Page 3 of Keeping Secrets

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Istare at my phone wondering how the hell Van got my number. Did Sadie give it to him? I find that hard to believe. Sadie is pretty straightlaced. I haven’t known her for long, but I’m pretty good at reading people. She would ask first, but still, if anyone knows that you can’t trust people, it’s me. The two I’m supposed to have faith in both suck. I haven’t the slightest clue who my sperm donor is, and my mom is often in another world.

The woman is in her forties and is more boy crazy than a teenage girl. She always has a new boyfriend. One that she puts before everything else, including me. It used to upset me, but I’ve grown immune to it at this point. Her latest, however, has stuck around longer than the others. The crazy thing is that it’s not even that they just drop her. She’s the one who ends up cheating. Chasing the rush of the next crush. Richard at least has money. That’s a step up. What I don’t understand is why they are always hanging here and not at his place. It has to beat our shitty apartment.

Stupidly, I check my phone again to see if Van sent me another text, but it’s still only the one. I don’t understand why he bothered to text me to begin with. To tell me he didn't tell me to leave. Does it matter? Van and I aren’t going to be cuddling up anytime soon. I don’t think he would be the cuddling type. I wonder if Sadie found out what happened and made him apologize. That would make more sense than him just randomly texting me.

Damn it. Then maybe she did give him my number. That might be the one reason. I fire off a text to her to ask. She responds right away.

I didn’t give him your number. He texted you?

You tell him I mixed his room up with a bathroom?

Did I lie to my brother? No

Sadie is busy

I roll my eyes knowing Dunc sent the last text. He really is smitten. All the girls' hearts at school are going to break, but most already have their eyes on Van. Why do all the girls want the boys that don’t give them the time of day? It sends them all into a frenzy. I would think it was some long game, but Dunc isn’t playing any games. He only has eyes for Sadie.

There is no way I’m going to be one of those girls. I’ve already checked my phone five times since Van texted. To make sure I don’t do something stupid and text him back, I decided to delete the message so that I don’t have his number. It’s for the best. Temptation is now gone.

I close my laptop when I hear the doorbell. My mom is out right now with her boyfriend. It has to be old Mr. Truman from next door. No one else drops by except maybe an ex of my mom’s, but that’s usually pretty late.

“You got cookies?” I ask as I swing my front door open. It’s not my neighbor with a fresh batch of sweets. I live off Truman’s sweets many nights.

“Did you even check before you answered?” Van gives me that glare I’m accustomed to.

“If I did, I wouldn't have asked about cookies.” I close the door partially and block the rest with my body so that he can’t see inside. “Aren’t you supposed to be smart? You see a peephole?” I point to my door.

“You thought I was a Girl Scout?”

“No. I thought you were Truman.”

Van folds his arms over his chest, showing off his biceps. I had no clue I had a thing for muscles, but here I am. The curse women bear. “Who is Truman?”

“Why are you on my doorstep popping off with questions?”

“Don’t like when the tables are turned?”

I don’t. I’m the one that’s supposed to ask the questions. I just stand there and give him a dead stare. That works most of the time, but Van is unmoved. Maybe he’s confused since I’m not drooling over him. “You didn’t text me back,” he finally says, making me smirk because he broke first. I’ll take whatever victories I can get with him. Van has no idea how off-kilter I am when it comes to him.

“How did you get my number?” He shrugs. I narrow my eyes on him, not liking when I don’t know something.

“How bad do you want to know?” Oh shit. He’s on to me. He knows it’s going to eat at me and is using it to his advantage.

“I don’t really care actually. So are we done here?” Two can play this game.

“Liar.” His hand comes out, pushing on the door.

“Hey!” I stumble back as he lets himself right in.

“Don’t lie to me. I don’t like it.”

“I don’t like a lot of things, but we all have to deal with shit.” I close the door before anyone around here sees. People love to gossip in this place. I might be one of them, but I don’t want to be the topic. “How do you even know I’m lying?” I brush one of my unruly curls out of my face.

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