Page 23 of Keeping Secrets

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“The weekend,” Van corrects.

“You’re relentless. You know that.” I moan when I taste the first bite of lasagna. I’ve never eaten better in my life until Van came into it. He’s always feeding me. When I glance up from my plate, Van is staring intensely at me. “What?” I wipe my mouth, thinking I might have something on it.

“You're moaning.” He reaches down and adjusts himself. I can feel my cheeks warm. Stupid fair skin always gives me away. I lick my lips. “Eat so we can go up to bed.”

I take another bite of my food. Does he mean upstairs because there is a guest bedroom? For some reason, I’m thinking not so much.

“You want more?” he asks when I clear my plate.

“I’m good.”

He quickly puts our dishes in the dishwasher before snagging my hand. His fingers tangle with mine. This really doesn’t feel fake. Maybe he just wants to get laid. Friends with benefits? Yeah, so not me. Sadly, my mother has made me fear casual sex. Hence why I’m still a virgin.

We head up the stairs. Van stops at a hallway closet and grabs a toothbrush, handing it to me. “I know this is your room,” I say when he starts to open the door.

“That’s right. You snuck in here before.” He smirks.

“I can’t stay in here.” He ignores me.

“You can’t sleep in your pants. I’ll get you a pair of my boxers.” He releases my hand to go into his closet. Seconds later, he reappears with a pair. “Bathroom’s there.” He nods.

“Thanks.” I close and lock the door behind me.

I pull off my bra and pants before slipping into Van’s boxers. I have to roll them a few times just to make them somewhat fit. The shirt Van gave me to wear to the game is now long enough to cover them. You can’t tell I even have them on. I’m now in all his clothes except for my freaking panties.

Opening my purse, I find my contacts case. I proceed to remove them before brushing my teeth and slipping my glasses on.

I stare at myself in the mirror for a second, wondering how the hell I got here. I hear him flip the TV on before turning it down.

“Come on, Red,” Van calls impatiently.

When I open the door, Van is standing there in nothing but a pair of low-hanging sweatpants. His eyes roam up my legs and don’t stop until they lock with mine.

I have highly underestimated Van. He really does get whatever he puts his mind to.




“Nice shirt.” I wink. Red’s nervous. She thinks I’m going to jump her the minute the lights turn out. In truth, I’d jump her with the lights fully on so I can see every gorgeous part of her body, but the girl’s hands are fisted by her side, and she’s rocking lightly on the balls of her feet as if she’s trying to decide whether she should fight or flee.

“It’s yours.”

“I know. Looks good on you. Better on you than me.” I tilt my head toward the bed. “Hop under the covers.”


“Yeah, I’ll lay on top of them.”

She arches an eyebrow. “Won’t you be cold?”


She ambles over to the bed and slowly climbs in, pulling the blue comforter up to her neck so that all I can see is her face and a halo of red hair, making it seem like the pillow is on fire. I know I am. You could drop me in the Antarctic next to penguins and seals and I’d still burn up if all I had was something that smelled like her. To some, maybe being this far gone over a girl would be embarrassing, but I like it. All my life, I’ve been passionate about things—football, mostly. Girls never interested me, to the point that my dad, who is gay, wondered if I was, too. But no one moved me, not like football, not like my family. It made sense to me to be focused on Fleur. She has a hard time believing it, but time will change her. She’s got a lot of scars built up, and it takes a while to chip away at barricades she spent years erecting.

“You comfy?” I cradle my head on top of my interlaced fingers and stare at the ceiling. It’s the only way I can be patient right now with her lying beside me wearing my T-shirt and boxers. If I look at her, I’m probably going to rip all the covers off, strip her down to her birthday suit, and do a million dirty things to her body that she’s not ready for. I clench my fingers tighter.

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