Page 22 of Keeping Secrets

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“She’s in her room, but Dunc thinks he just made a sneaky slip in. So he’s also in there.”

“Gross,” Van mutters.

“Are you here to see her or Van?” Fischl asks.

“She’s spending the night,” Van responds before I get a chance. I’m thankful because I wasn’t sure what I was going to say.

“Oh.” Fischl’s eyebrows rise.

“Who’s staying the night?” The same man I saw at the game comes strolling into the kitchen. He comes right over to Fischl, pulling her into his side. Van’s mouth tightens.

“Fleur,” Fischl answers. “She and Van are?—”


“Friends.” Van and I both speak at the same time. I glare at him.

“We’re friends,” I say again.

“Boy friend.”

I brush one of my curls out of my face. “We’re fake dating. Really it’s?—”

“That what the kids call it these days?” Cooper chuckles.

“Call it what you want, Red.”

“This isn’t what we talked about,” I hiss under my breath, not wanting to fight in front of his mom and kinda dad? I don’t know.

“Is everything okay?” Cooper asks.

“We’re fine.” Van is short with him.

“I don’t mean with you two. I mean is everything fine?”

“I’ve got a handle on it,” Van responds.

“Oh, is there anything I can do?” Fischl asks, concern laced through her words.

“Van’s got it. He’ll ask if he needs help.” He kisses her on top of the head. “Come to bed.”

“’Night,” Fischl says as Cooper leads her away reluctantly, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

“They seem nice.”

“Told you my mom is an angel.” Cooper seems like a really nice guy. But like I said, I don’t really know him.

“Your dad, too.”

“He’s not my dad.”

“Right, sorry.” I want to say more about it, but I don’t. I hate when people try to get into my business. Not that it’s stopping Van any.

“You hungry?” Van changes the subject as he tucks the same curl that keeps falling into my face behind my ear. “Who am I kidding? You’re always hungry.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head. The same way Cooper did to his mom. I wonder if he realizes that he has some of the same mannerisms as his dad. “Sit.” He leads me over to one of the high-top chairs at the kitchen island, giving my ass a small smack on the way.

“I’m going to murder you.” I hop up into the chair. “After you feed me.” Van chuckles. We make small talk as I watch him heat up some lasagna.

“Your parents seem pretty cool about me just staying here for the night.”

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