Page 17 of Dare Me

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“So you have been listening.” I chuckle, thinking of all the times I’ve offhandedly blamed something on the stars or explained his chaotic behavior and being a social butterfly on his inner Gemini.

His palms rub together as I reach under my skirt to shimmy out of my panties and hold them out. His eyes darken as I drop them like a starting flag. I reach behind for the halter ties and watch him swallow hard, jaw ticking. Excited nerves spark in my stomach, partly because of what I’m doing but partly because of his reaction.

“Then you’ll know Capricorns don’t lose,” I state, swiftly tugging the ties loose. “Last one to the water is buying lava cake!” I laugh as I run toward the breaking waves, my dress left behind. I hear Lochlan curse and fumble, trying to get out of his jeans while I’m already halfway there.

Thankful my hair is already in a bun on the top of my head, I run into the cold water with a small shriek. My body stings, the alcohol only able to protect so much against the frigid Atlantic. Lochlan crashes into the water, splashing as he continues to run while my arms are wrapped tightly around me, as much to warm myself as to cover my breasts, Lochlan dives headfirst below the inky water.

Popping back up a few yards away from me, he pushes his hair back with both hands and whoops. “Damn, it’s cold.”

I bounce up and down, losing feeling in my lower half. “Ya know, it’s not so bad once you start going numb.”

He eyes the space between us, and a chill runs up my spine. He must notice the shudder because he frowns slightly. “You’re still shivering.”

Before I can reply, he’s dashing to the shore.

“Hey, what are you doing? This was your idea!” I shout. He ducks under the flaps of a cabana, only to reappear seconds later and disappear into another. He emerges triumphantly, raising two rolled towels above his head.

I stifle a laugh at the absurd image of Lochlan championing beach towels on an empty beach at night with his entire package hanging free. I don’t know if he can hear my laugh at this distance, but he smiles nonetheless. As unpredictable as he can be, there is one thing that he never fails to do: make me laugh.

He tucks one roll under his arm and wraps another around his waist. I don’t move from where I am. The tide, bobbing just above my pelvis, threatens to bare more than I’m willing to show each time it draws out. His toes hit the water, and he stretches out the extra towel like an invite.

I inch forward, and my stomach drops. “Close your eyes.” He laughs but obliges. He conspicuously cracks one open. “And no peeking.” He smiles innocently but dutifully closes both.

I hurry out and when he feels me tuck into the towel, he wraps it around my shoulders. His arms encircle me for the length of a heartbeat. I clutch the towel tightly closed and he lets go, the ghost of his breath by my ear.

We start down the beach, scooping up our discarded clothes, our wet feet picking up sand. He slings his arm around my shoulders and sighs contentedly. “Let’s go home, Stella Mae.”

And despite being hundreds of miles away from home, an errant thought appears that says, I’m already there.

1. Play “DYWTYLM” by Sleep Token until end of the chapter

Chapter 7

Floating Rocks and Balls of Fire


I was lying to myself thinking I could go to sleep after seeing Stella’s breathtaking body dripping in liquid moonlight. A lungful of tobacco washes away the taste of salt water on my tongue as I light up on our villa’s patio. Stella’s moon has climbed in the sky, cresting over my view of palm trees and the sprawling, manicured lawn. I exhale, the smoke curling away, and listen to the sound of the waves on the other side of the tree line.

I wonder if Stella is restless and unable to sleep too. Is she lying in the dark of her room, replaying every second of the night like I am? Does her heart race in anticipation for the morning and spending another day together?

I’m ripped from my tortured daydreaming by voices speaking roughly. I stub out my cigarette and disappear in the dark of the covered patio, listening closer. I’m unable to make out distinct words but the tone is clear. Like venomous snakes striking, they lash back and forth with low and angry voices.

As they get closer, I recognize them as certain words become audible. The Mauldin brothers.

“You’re being stupid and greedy, Jeffery,” Clark hisses as they round the bend of the path, coming into view.

“You’re just bitter you didn’t come up with the idea,” his brother sneers.

“That family is powerful, and because of you, we can’t afford any more trouble. They could ruin us.” I recognize the exasperation in Clark’s tone. I’ve heard it many times before in Cash before I learned to stop shooting first, asking questions second . . . for the most part.

“We’ll have what we need once this deal with the Foxes is done.” My ears perk up at the mention of my family. The two are now passing in front of me, and I stay as still as possible in the shadows. Jeffery speaks next in a hushed tone, as if just now realizing he’s within earshot of our villa. “And if it falls through, we have a backup.”

Clark shakes his head in frustration, and Jeffery adds on with resentment, “No thanks necessary, brother.”

“This is the last time I’m pulling you out of a hole you dug, brother.” I can hear the tension and impatience like the crack of whip. Sounds like big brother has fucked up one too many times and is using our acquisition to clean up his mess.

I wait silently until I’m sure they’re headed toward Libidine then pop back inside and swipe a pair of slacks and shirt out of my suitcase. My hand’s on the door to leave when I get an anxious prickle at the back of my neck. I run back through the living area and quietly crack open Stella’s door.

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