Page 40 of Refusing the King

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Not that it should. I mean, I was taking off nearly the second our plane landed in Chicago. So why the heck did I care what kind of criminal deeds these men had to do back home?

I sighed and then finished my bottle of water. It mattered to me because I loved them. And I loved Evie and the babies. I didn't want anything bad to happen to them.


That was the biggest reason for me leaving. To save them from all the bad crap that could rain down on them if Sergio found out they knew me. And that I'd been living with them and—sleeping with them.


Sergio would have a huge freakout.

And then—they'd all be dead.

He’d see to that.

The one thing in this life that Sergio Bastratto wanted was for me to be miserable. And if he knew I loved all the people under this roof, he would one hundred and ten percent kill them all just to hurt me.

Now, to throw in the added horrible fact that Carlo, Stefan, and Nick were also in the mafia world—and that pretty much triple guaranteed their doom.

Sergio would take out Evie and the babies just to add insult to injury.

Because Sergio was just that kind of asshole. Anything he could do to stick it to me—he'd do it. With a fucking smile on his face.

"Did you find out when we leave?" Sophia’s voice traveled across the large kitchen.

I turned my head and wiped my mouth. "Sorry, no. They were busy, so I didn't have a chance to ask yet."

She nodded her head and smiled. "Okay, no problem. I'll start packing the things the kids probably won't need in the next few days."

And with that, she turned and bounced away in her very short shorts.

"Is it just me? Or have her shorts started getting smaller and smaller?" Eve whispered over my shoulder.

I gasped and spun on my heel. "Holy crap, you scared me!" I set my hand over my heart and took some deep breaths.

Eve giggled. "You were too busy staring at her ass, just like I was."

I shrugged and bit my lip. "I mean—it's not like she's hiding it."

Eve tossed her head back and laughed. "No, she's definitely not trying to hide it. I'm just not sure exactly why she's flaunting it so much lately. It's odd. She's also doing her hair and makeup every day. And that's fine, it's just a change from before."

I knew what Eve was talking about. I'd noticed Sophia making more of an—effort lately.

And that was not a problem.

Unless it was a problem.

The short shorts, the hair, the heavier makeup—well, that could mean other things might be popping up.

"Do you think she's got a crush on one of the guys?" I lowered my voice to below a whisper.

Eve looked at me and nodded. "I'd bet on it." The expression on her face showed how unhappy she was about this information. "We can't know that for sure, though. It's not like I can walk up and ask, 'Hey, are you trying to fuck my husband?'"

My arms circled around her, and I pulled her in for a hug. "That would never happen. Even if she walked naked right up to Nick. He'd never, ever cheat on you, honey."

She hugged me back and nodded. "I know. But I also don't want that kind of person hanging around my family. You know?"


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