Page 18 of Refusing the King

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Not that that’s stopped them before.

“Oh, is that today?” I let my hand creep over to the back of his neck. “I didn’t know.” I gave him a tender kiss on his cheek and inhaled his piney, manly scent. Gosh, I was going to miss that yummy, masculine smell.

“It is. Nick and I flipped a coin,” he chuckled in a low, deep voice that sent a lovely shiver down my body, “and he lost.”

I giggled and kissed him on the lips this time. “You’re very competitive.”

His hands tightened on my behind. “Damn right. Now go eat and get ready. You’ve got two hours.” He squeezed my behind one more time before he set me down. “I’ll make you lunch.” His hand immediately grabbed mine, and we walked like that back to his castle.

Halfway there, I decided to ask him a question in a roundabout way. I mean, I wasn't going to just come out and say, “Hey, Carlo. Are you a mafia king? Just curious.”


Probably not the way to go.

Instead, I asked, “What kind of business did you have to do here?”

His hand tightened over mine and he peered down at me. “What? Why?” His brows knitted together.

I tried to shrug it off like I wasn't digging for answers to my question. “I don’t know. You guys never talk about what you do.”

He cleared his throat. “We have a lot of different businesses, Giselle. Too many to name. Real estate is a big part. We own casinos and car dealerships, too. Lots of things. Why are you suddenly so curious?”


I hoped I hadn’t triggered any alarm bells with him.

“Why wouldn’t I want to know?” I threw the question back at him. This obviously was not going to be a conversation where Carlo suddenly divulged all of his secrets.

And honestly, what in the world would I do if he did?

Right now, I really wasn’t sure.

If he was a mafia king, or a soon to be one, that would complicate things with Sergio.

In a big way.

A big, big way.

Sergio liked to be at the top and in control. Of everything.

And if he found out that I was here with Carlo and Stefan—and if Carlo and Stefan really were what my dad said they were—then Sergio would have even more reason to kill them. There was no way Sergio would allow his wife and child to live with Carlo and Stefan.

And if Sergio found out that Carlo and I were engaged—even if it was just a fake engagement, he’d blow his freaking lid.

I shuddered to think of the vengeance he’d seek.

“Are you cold?” Carlo asked as his arm snaked over my shoulders and he pulled me against his side. “You’re shivering.”

I shook my head and bit my lip. “No, I’m fine.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Do you need a nap before our fun starts?” His voice was almost growly and super smexy.

I smiled and slipped my arm around his waist. “No, but I’m sure I’ll need one after.”

I felt his body vibrate with laughter. “Hopefully I’ll wear you out. And having two gorgeous women sleep with me afterward wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”


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