Page 50 of Easton

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So, it was seriously unfortunate my phone vibrated in my hand at the very moment Smith was unlocking the front door of what was undoubtedly one of Zane’s many safehouses—I couldn’t know for sure because I hadn’t asked. I’d opted to wallow in self-pity rather than ask questions about where we were going, why, and what the plan was.

Unfortunate in the sense when I saw an unknown number on the screen with a Maryland area code I had a gut feeling I knew who it was so I answered.

Unfortunate in the sense I didn’t guard my words.

Unfortunate in the sense, in my extreme fury, I was prepared to burn the world to the ground, consequences be damned.

I forwent pleasantries and snapped, “Just the person I wanted to talk to.”

“Figured it was time for you and I to have a chat,” Zane’s deep voice rumbled.

Any other day, I’d take that rumbly tone for what it was—a warning.

Today was not that day.

“I quit,” I told him.

“Come again?”

“I. Quit. Effective immediately.”

“You can’t quit. Seeing as I just found out you’re on my payroll I was calling to fire you.”

Later, much later, when I had my wits about me, I’d be happy he’d learned I was on his payroll during an emotional drama to end all emotional dramas. For years I’d dreaded the day Zane found out the truth.


Now I gave two shits less than the zero fucks I gave about him going nuclear at the news.

He could do his worst. There was nothing more he could take from me. I’d already lost it all.

“Great. I accept your termination. Does that mean I’ll be receiving a severance package since you have no grounds to fire me since I’m the best mediator Dutch has and the best fixer and the best at going in and getting the job done when the rest of the team can’t?”

“Jesus, woman, did you take a single breath—”

“Tell Dutch he can wire my last paycheck into my account and we’ll part ways now. Maddon’s a freebie. I don’t want payment for him.”


“Did you know?”

There was a pregnant pause.

I could read the silence. Either he was formulating a response or he was planning my execution for interrupting him.

“I knew Anna was alive. I know her also as Pigeon and throughout the years I’ve heard Pidge is still working.”

My eyes drifted closed.

I didn’t startle when I felt a hand on my lower back. I didn’t stop myself from being pushed into the house. I didn’t open my eyes again until I heard the door close. I didn’t take in my surroundings.

I was too busy using up the rest of my strength to stay upright.

“Though, I didn’t know you’d been led to believe she was dead until Charlie told me and Dutch confirmed.”

Red hot fury washed over me.

“So, Dutch did know?”

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