Page 45 of Easton

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It was coming clear—no one in Nebraska’s life told the truth.

Lie after lie then more lies to cover the lies they’d told.

That ended now.

Even if the unraveling of the truth was going to slice her to shreds, I’d make goddamn sure she knew it all.

“Your father’s name is Dmitri Zenin—”

I got no more out. With a heave, Nebraska pushed away, rolled, and was out of bed on her feet before I could blink.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she shouted.

Welp. If Smith was still asleep he wasn’t now.

I found my feet, hit the light on the bedside table, and when I did Nebraska whirled.

I should’ve left the room dark.

Just like yesterday she couldn’t hide it—not any of it, not the fury, not the hurt, not the confusion.

I now fully understood Charlie Michaels.

Seeing all that I was seeing, I understood not wanting to be the one to witness her ruin. But the man was still a coward. He’d participated in the lie that was her life. He should’ve found a way many, many years ago to explain everything to her.

He had not.

He let his daughter swing.

The results of that betrayal were right then horrifically playing out in the most catastrophic of ways.

Nebraska didn’t look gutted—she looked destroyed.

“Oh my God,” she wheezed as she tore her hands through her hair, ripping the elastic band free. “Oh my God.” With the repeat she fisted two handfuls of her thick, shiny brown hair and yanked.


“Two years ago, there was an issue. A new player stepped into the game and was threatening to take over some well-established territory. We kept an eye on the situation hoping we wouldn’t have to step in. It was getting ugly, but there were no outside casualties so we waited. Then a restaurant was hit and everyone inside died—the target and ten innocent people including an infant and a three-year-old. That’s when we got involved. Charlie was in charge of making the meet. Both organizations agreed to the sit-down. But at the last minute I was pulled and another mediator was sent in my place.”

There were a few things to note. The first: Nebraska’s tone had completely changed. No threads of pain or anger. She rapped out the information like a briefing. Second, she’d shut her emotions off so completely I wasn’t sure if I was impressed she could make the switch that fast or if it was highly concerning she’d flipped so quickly.

“Another mediator?” I inquired. “I thought you were the mediator.”

“No, there are a few of us.”

Now we were back in dangerous territory. The zone in which I was still in the dark, since Zane was being shifty and Nebraska wasn’t talking.

“Let me guess. The others are wrapped up with Dutch, Badger, and Black.”

At that Nebraska jolted.

Yep, I was on the right track. However, the question was: did I want to push while she was under emotional upheaval. With anyone else, I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d take full advantage of the situation and use the turmoil to get the answers I needed. But with Nebraska it felt wrong to use her vulnerability against her.

“Forget I said that. Why were you replaced?”

Her shoulders lurched back again but with the jerky movement her eyes widened.

“What do you mean forget you said that?” she returned.

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