Page 26 of Dangerous Affair

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“Are these all of them?” Jack asked.


Jack’s gaze turned astute, or more astute as he contemplated me. I couldn’t stop from shifting from one leg to the other.

His lips twitched, a ghost of a smile tugged up the corners of his mouth. “Do I make you nervous?”

“What? No. Of course not.”

The sudden transformation from brooding to playful took me off guard.

“I don’t bite,” he drawled.

“I would certainly hope not, that seems a bit forward.”

Jack’s rumbling laugh filled the small space.

I wonder what Wilson sounds like when he laughs?

I was so enthralled by the change in Jack I missed Wilson joining us but I didn’t miss the rumble in voice when he barked, “If you two are done, let’s get a move on it.”

“Sure thing, boss.” Jack snickered.

Wilson grunted and it had nothing to do with the two heavy boxes he lifted like they weighed nothing.

Jack picked up a box but paused on his way past me.

“See you tonight, Atlee.”

“Yeah, um, see you later.”

I heard Wilson’s growl even though I could no longer see him but it was Jack’s wink that left me standing in the backroom stunned.

What the hell just happened?

* * *

This was a bad idea.

I should’ve feigned a stomach ache and begged my grandmother to stay at her apartment for a nice quiet dinner at home—just the two of us.

Instead I was sitting on Wilson’s couch rethinking my life choices. Oh, and not only was I sitting on Wilson’s couch I was holding a sleeping baby Maverick. This after Letty handed the child to me so she and River could eat. I wouldn’t have minded this, actually getting to cuddle the cute little boy was awesome. What wasn’t awesome was my grandmother asking me very loudly when I was going to settle down and give her some great-grandchildren.

I prayed to the safe-sex god that no condom in the last forty-eight hours had broken, and by the pissed-off looks Wilson was throwing my way, I assumed he was sending up the same prayer.

“You know how much I love you, right?” I started.

“She only says that when she’s getting ready to say something disrespectful,” Gram rightly told the room. “There’s no need to get uppity, Atlee Marie, I’m simply asking if you will be giving me great-grandchildren sometime in this century.”

“No, not likely.”

“Well,” she huffed. “Then give me that baby so I can at least pretend.”

“It’s a toss-up who’s more dramatic, Mrs. S or Letty,” Reese muttered.

“I heard that, Mr. T,” Gram hotly remarked.

There was a beat of silence before the room erupted in laughter. That was, everyone was laughing except me and Wilson. Gram was just smiling. I glanced around the room not understanding what was funny. Luckily when my gaze landed back on my grandmother she enlightened me.

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