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Kasen grinned. “Spoken like someone that knows exactly what she’s doing.”

“I also can’t have the Sartoris going to war over me,” I added. “Over something that…something that really is my fault.”

Her hazel eyes got serious. “Then you better hurry up and make your move, Savina. I know for a fact that Aurelio and Nero are in his office right now, discussing all the logistics of going after Ashton Oliver. So, if you want to get to Ashton before all hell breaks loose, then you need to do something soon.”

“Aurelio doesn’t let me out of his sight,” I told her. “In fact, I’m pretty sure that he drugged me last night.”

“You’re out of his sight now,” she pointed out.

“Are you saying that no one will stop me if I leave right now?” I asked incredulously.

“No,” she answered. “I’m just saying that he probably lets you out of his sight more than you realized, but you can’t see it because you’re trapped in his house.” She shrugged. “All you have to do is un-trap yourself.”

She made it sound so simple, and for a woman like her, it probably was.

Chapter 27


“Is there any way to bring Ashton to us?” Nero asked. “I mean, I don’t have a problem going after him where he stands, but it’d be less messier if he came to us.”

When Nero had called me this morning, I’d already known why. Even if Nero wasn’t one to sit on something, Kasen’s condition had him running the family like a military dictator, wanting shit done and wanting it done immediately. Honestly, everyone was going to give a collective sigh of relief once Kasen finally gave birth, and Nero came back to his senses.

I leaned back on the couch in Nero’s office. “I’d like to believe that he’s that stupid, but he’d have to be suicidal to come over here,” I replied. “Not only does he have his precious image to consider, but he’s going to have to wonder if Savina’s told anyone the truth. After all, she’s been missing for two days, and being the narcissist that he is, he’s probably playing the worried boyfriend.”

“Morocco is checking all his online presence and it’s been crickets,” Nero pointed out.

I shrugged. “She admitted to using the burner phone that I’d left her to call her clients and the office, calling in sick.”

Nero scowled from where he was sitting at his desk. “If she’s calling in sick, then that only means one thing, Aurelio.”

I nodded. “She plans on going back.”

“And you’re going to let her?”

“Fuck no,” I scoffed.

He shot me a look. “Does she know that?”

“She should,” I replied easily. “She’s known me long enough.”

“Okay, so how would you like to proceed?”

“Firstly, I have a problem with her parents,” I told him. “Paolo and Carla knew that Ashton was beating her, and they did nothing to help her.” I had to let out a steady breath. “That doesn’t sit well with me, Nero.”

He gave me an understanding nod. “I’m not too happy about that, either.”

“While I understand pride, everything that this family has built has been built on loyalty,” I continued. “Where was their loyalty in allowing an outsider to abuse their only child? Savina came to them for help, and they slammed the door in her face. Honestly, they’re lucky that I hadn’t killed them both the other night while we waited for Savina to show up.”

“I can’t demote him,” Nero replied, something that I already knew. “Regardless of his personal choices, he’s a good Capo, and his men respect him. So, you can kill him, making it clear that it’s a personal choice, or we can make it clear that neither Paolo nor Carla are to have anything to do with you, Savina, or any future children you may have.”

“Well, since pride matters so damn much to them, I say that shunning them will be more painful than putting a bullet through their heads,” I said, making my decision. “After all, even though it’s stupid as fuck, I am your consigliere. Becoming inconsequential to the person holding that title should be enough to make them feel as inadequate as they’d made Savina feel when she had gone to them for help.”

Nero gave me another terse nod. “Well, if you ever change your mind about the killing, just let me know first.”

“Not a problem,” I agreed easily.

“What’s next?”

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