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“Savina has nothing to do with my views on how wives should be treated,” I shot back. “You also better be careful when you have Savina’s name on your lips. If you think that Nero would stop me from killing you for disrespecting her, you’re wrong.”

Elio shot me a look. “You’re going to be Nero’s children’s godfather, Aurelio,” he replied coolly. “I’m not confused about where you rank when it comes to my brother.”

Instead of feeling guilty for my friendship with Nero, I said, “Maybe if you grew up a little, your brother would be picking your side.”

“Just because I don’t think like you guys do, that doesn’t mean that I’m not grown,” he fired back.

“You need to be more than grown, Elio,” I scolded. “You’re a Sartori son. You’re supposed to be a leading example on top of being fucking grown. So, get your head out of your ass and start thinking of other people besides yourself.”

“Fuck, if I’d known that I was going to get a lecture, then I wouldn’t have said anything,” he bit out, already grabbing his jacket.

“Let Nero know that I’ll call the cleaning crew when I’m done here,” I told him, ignoring his tantrum. “Also, let Adriano know that he needs some new equipment.”

Elio scowled at me. “What are you doing here anyway? Your Nero’s consigliere, not a soldier. Aren’t you supposed to be busy giving him advice or something?”

“I don’t answer to you, Elio,” I reminded him pointedly.

“You know what? You can all fuck off,” he grumbled.

“Duly noted,” I drawled out, unconcerned that he was being disrespectful since it was only us.

“I hope Savina leaves you again,” he tossed out before leaving, igniting my anger all over again.

Unfortunately for me, I knew that she was going to leave me again.

Or at least, she was going to try to.

Chapter 26


Nero Sartori’s house was just as I had imagined. It was a beautifully decorated fortress, and with the number of guards that surrounded the property, it was clear that Nero took his wife’s safety more seriously than was probably sane. Granted, Kasen Sartori was carrying the Sartori heir, but I knew enough about Nero to know that he’d probably be this way with her, regardless.

Two days later, I had no idea what Ashton was up to, but I knew that I couldn’t keep on like this. I had a life, a job, and clients, and I could only put that off for so long. So, when Aurelio had told me that he had to meet with Nero today, insisting that I accompany him, I knew that it’d been stupid of me to believe that Aurelio didn’t know that I was up to something. After all, the man knew me better than anyone else, something that hadn’t changed with time.

When we had walked into Nero’s home, I’d been surprised that we hadn’t been greeted. Even knowing how close Aurelio was to Nero, I still hadn’t expected it. Though Aurelio’s new role within the family was that of consigliere, I had still expected the formalities that went along with the title. Aurelio having free reign of Nero’s private residence had been a real eye opener.

I’d also been surprised when Nero had greeted me civilly and kindly. Though he’d been decent enough to me the other day, he was still the Sartori Boss, and his title alone made a person think twice before approaching him. Nevertheless, our visit seemed very informal, even though I knew that Aurelio was here to talk business. While he hadn’t told me so, I knew Aurelio well enough to know that he’d never disrespect Nero by going after Ashton without Nero’s approval. After all, Ashton was outside Sartori territory.

Still, things hadn’t become uncomfortable until both men had closed themselves off in Nero’s office, leaving me to wait in the sitting area. While the servants and guards were doing their thing, I felt rather conspicuous being here.

“Don’t make me kill you.”

I turned back on the couch to see a very pregnant Kasen Sartori making her way down the stairs, a guard trying to help her, though she clearly didn’t need it.

“Mrs. Sartori-”

“I mean it, Russio,” she bit out. “I’m tired of being in bed. I will burn this entire house to the ground if you don’t get out of my way.”

“Mr. Sartori is going to-”

“Nero isn’t going to do a damn thing,” she harrumphed, and the conviction in her voice made me wonder if she actually knew who she was married to. “Besides, we have guests.”

My eyes rounded when I realized that she was talking about me. Knowing my place in the hierarchy, I immediately stood up. “I…I can keep an eye on her,” I muttered, not sure if I was overstepping or not.

“See?” she said, eyeing Russio. “I’ll be fine.”

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Russio did the sign of the cross before saying, “I’ll be right over there, Mrs. Sartori.”

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