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“Normally, I’d agree,” he replied. “But we both saw those videos.”

“Which is why I think that there’s something more going on,” I reiterated.

Nero arched a brow. “Something more than just your guilt?”

“Look, I’ll be the first to admit that this entire situation is a fucking mess, but that doesn’t mean that I’m wrong.”

“You’re never wrong,” he replied confidently. “Which is why I’m not going to stop you. Still, if it turns out that she’s more of a participant than a victim, you’re going to have a shitload of problems on your hands, Aurelio.”

“If that turns out to be the case, then I’ll kill her myself,” I told him.

Nero shook his head. “It bothers me that you mean that, Aurelio.”

“If she really is embroiled in the Olivers, then at that point, she’ll be just another witness to something that we were involved in, and there’s only one way that we deal with those kinds of witnesses, Nero,” I reminded him.

“You’re willing to go after a congressman for her, but also kill her?” He shook his head. “I’m surprised that I only smoke cigarettes and not crack,” he muttered.

That had me grinning. “Nero, she’s not involved with them,” I assured him. “I wouldn’t be going after her if she was.”

“You can’t guarantee that, Aurelio,” he pointed out.

“Then you can kill me if I’m wrong,” I told him, at peace with death, something that had happened long ago.

Ignoring that, he said, “If the Olivers come after her, then I’m going to have to let Declan know what’s going on.” He looked around for a makeshift ashtray, and when he couldn’t find anything, he just put his cigarette out on his hand, then tossed the butt in the trash. “You’re going to have to buy ashtrays if you’re going to keep coming to me with shit like this.”

I laughed. “Duly noted.

He eyed me again. “If Declan decides to get involved, this could turn into a full-blown war, Aurelio,” he warned me.

“I know that, too.”

“Well, fuck…” he grumbled as he let out a deep sigh. “We already took out Emil Schulz and his entire bloodline, what’s another family line.”

“Declan knows that Kotov would back us,” I reminded him. “Plus, it would be in his best interest for us to get rid of Stewart Oliver.”

Nero arched a brow. “How about if I just want the fucker dead because he likes my wife?”

That got another laugh out of me. “There’s also that.”

Chapter 18


When I’d gotten a call from my father, claiming that he wanted to talk because he felt bad for the way that things had ended between us the last that we’d spoken, I’d been a shaking mess. I’d seen that phone call as a way out, and I would have been stupid to hold onto old hurts. In fact, my father’s change of heart wasn’t even the most important fact of the matter at this point. There was finally some hope, and I had grabbed onto it with both hands.

The tricky part had been getting Ashton to allow me to go to dinner with my parents. When I’d told him about the phone call, he had immediately gone off the rails, ranting about how he couldn’t be seen consorting with active members of the Sartori Crime Family. He’d gone on to point out how my disassociation from my parents was the only reason that it’d been acceptable for us to be together. Honestly, he hadn’t shut up for almost half an hour, going on and on about my reputation and how I’d be jeopardizing everything by reconnecting with my parents.

When I had first started dating Ashton, I had glossed over the reasons why I’d no longer had a close relationship with my family, and he had accepted my story at face value. He hadn’t pried, nor had he mentioned a possible reconciliation. After a few months, he’d come to terms with my solitary lifestyle, and that had ended up working out in his favor. With no friends, no family, and no one checking on my wellbeing, Ashton had been able to take over in no time.

Nevertheless, I’d had an ace to play, and I had played it, even though I might end up the loser after it was all said and done. After Ashton had finished his rant, I had made him a deal, agreeing to ‘escort’ Cooper Donaldson whenever he was in town, and I had promised to do it without complaint and for as long as Ashton wanted me to do it.

Of course, I’d gotten a lecture about telling my parents anything, and Ashton had been clear about not being seen out in public and about coming right back home after dinner. Honestly, his stipulations had gone in one ear and right out the other. Not being able to afford any pride at this point, the plan was to tell my parents everything, then pray that they were willing to help me.

As I pulled up to the curb of my parents’ house, I could feel my heart pounding dangerously. It hurt to hope, and it was actually a cruel irony if you thought about it. After having a taste of true hopelessness, I’d been able to recognize the peace that came with having no way out. That resignation was actually a lot less painful than continuously having your hopes dashed.

Grabbing my purse, I got out of the car, and the blood rushing through my ears was making me practically deaf. The house looked the same, but everything felt so different now. Since I’d grown up here, the house should feel warm and welcoming, but it didn’t. I felt like a stranger as I made my way up the walkway, and panic started to settle in my chest a bit. If they refused to help me, then I was going to be right back where I’d started.

Still, I had to try.

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