Page 74 of Creed

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Creed tightened his grip on the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to turn white. She just didn’t understand. The pain he went through when Wren and their child died was indescribable. He lost everything; the woman he loved, their unborn child, and all in one tragic moment.

As he pulled into Abbie’s driveway, he couldn’t help but think about how it could all be taken away again if they were to have a child. Sure, there was a chance that history wouldn’t repeat itself, but there was also a chance that it would.

Glancing at Abbie, who was staring out the window, he knew that she didn’t fully comprehend his fear.

Turning off the truck’s engine, he made a move to get out of the vehicle.

“Don’t bother,” she snapped as she stormed out of the truck, slammed the door shut, and marched up to her front door. She forcefully opened it and disappeared inside, slamming the door behind her, causing Creed to flinch at the sound.

The sound of screeching tires echoed through the quiet neighborhood as he put the truck in reverse and floored it. The tires spun wildly, sending pebbles, dirt, and snow flying as he backed out of the driveway. With a quick acceleration, the truck fishtailed down the street, leaving behind a cloud of smoke.

Frustration and anger boiled inside him as he slammed the door shut upon arriving home. He flung his coat and hat onto the rack before stalking into the living room, Ranger trotting at his heels.

Collapsing into his recliner, he mindlessly picked up the remote and aimed it at the TV screen, not really seeing anything that was playing.

“Fuck,” he shouted, releasing some of his pent-up frustration. But it didn’t ease the pain in his chest or the regret for how things turned out.

Hours later, exhausted and defeated, Creed trudged to bed and fell into a restless sleep. This was definitely not how he had hoped the night would end.

Monday morning arrived too soon, and Creed dragged himself into the office, running on no sleep. His phone was a constant temptation, begging him to call her and make things right. But what could he possibly say? They had already said everything there was to say.

He knew she wouldn’t pick up anyway. She was still too hurt and angry. Maybe in a few days, he could try again... but until then, he would be miserable without her.


Abbie sat on her couch, consumed by sadness. Her mind drifted to Creed, the man she longed for but knew she couldn’t be with. They didn’t want the same things in life. She yearned for children with every fiber of her being, but he couldn’t see a future that included them. At thirty-seven years old, time was ticking away, and she wanted to have children before it was too late. And while he had once shared that desire for kids, his tragic past had changed everything, but that didn’t mean it would happen again.

“Doesn’t mean it won’t either,” she muttered under her breath.

Her phone buzzed, and she almost jumped to answer it, hoping it was Creed. But instead, it was Lorna.

“Hi,” Abbie answered.

“What’s wrong?” Lorna asked immediately.

“It’s over between Creed and me,” Abbie replied with a heavy sigh.

“Why? What happened?” Lorna pressed.

Taking a deep breath, Abbie recounted the events leading up to their breakup. Lorna’s audible sigh echoed through the phone.

“Abs, he’s scared,” Lorna explained. “Remember how I felt about falling for another man in a dangerous job? That’s how he feels. Sure, you could be fine giving birth, but there are no guarantees. Losing the woman he loved, and their baby was traumatizing. It’s enough to scare even the strongest man.”

“I know,” Abbie whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “But Lorna, you know how badly I want kids. It’s always been my dream. Jeremy and I put it off for so long and now... I’m almost forty and still haven’t had a baby.” A lump formed in her throat as she fought back tears.

“I know but give him a few days. Maybe he’ll change his mind if it means having you in his life.”

“I doubt it. He was so angry when he brought me home. Of course, I was too.” She sighed. “I don’t know what to do.”

“You could adopt.”


“Sure, why not? You’d have your baby, and he wouldn’t have to go through the birth and thinking he’d lose you and the baby.”

“I don’t know.”

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