Page 66 of Creed

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“That’s Agent Doyle to someone like you,” Killian retorted. “And trust me, we have more than enough to take you down for good.”

Before things could escalate any further, Killian signaled Creed to come to him. Creed walked down the hallway to see Pedigo standing close to the bars, and Creed moved to stand beside Killian, relishing in Pedigo’s shock as they made eye contact.

“Do you remember me?” Creed asked with a smug expression.

It took a moment, but Pedigo stared back at him and flashed a grin.

“No, I can’t say that I do.”

Creed couldn’t resist the urge to reach through the jail-cell bars and grab Pedigo, but Killian and Sam held him back. He nodded, took a step back, and looked at Pedigo. “That’s alright. I remember you and everything else from that night. And now, it seems like your time is up.” He turned to Killian. “Let’s get out of here.”

But just as they were about to leave, Pedigo spoke up again.

“Wait. Let’s make a deal.”

“What kind of deal?” Creed asked skeptically.

“I’ll give you all the names of everyone involved in this operation.”

“Including Cartwright?”

“Everyone,” Pedigo confirmed and told them most of the names, but not the one they needed.

Creed shook his head, not satisfied with this offer. “Not good enough. We want the name of the inside man at our department.”

Pedigo’s eyes widened in shock. “How did you know—”

“Tell us now or we walk out of here,” Creed interrupted sternly.

Pedigo hesitated before finally revealing the name. “Mario Sanchez.”

Creed and Killian exchanged a knowing look and nodded in agreement. “Let’s go.”

But Pedigo called out to them one last time. “Wait. Do we have a deal?”

Creed didn’t even bother to respond as he walked out with Killian behind him. As they made their way back to the office, Creed couldn’t help but feel a weight lifted off his shoulders for the first time in three years. Justice would finally be served.

Chapter Eleven

As Creed stepped into the bustling office, his eyes immediately scanned the desks for Sanchez. But he was nowhere to be found. With a furrowed brow, Creed scanned the room and spotted Dave’s door open, and the office was unoccupied.

“Where the hell is Sanchez and Dave?” He muttered under his breath, frustration seeping into his voice.

“They’re in the conference room,” another agent answered as he passed by on his way out.

Killian looked at Creed with concern. “I guess he’s talking to him.”

“Not without me, he isn’t.” Without wasting any time, Creed made his way toward the conference room. As he reached the door, he could hear heated voices coming from within. Dave’s was unmistakable.

Creed pushed open the door and stormed into the room. He saw Dave standing at the head of the table, his fists clenched and his face red with anger. Alex and Eli sat at the table and across from them sat Sanchez, looking uneasy as they all glared at him.

Sanchez’s eyes widened as he saw Creed enter the room.

“Creed,” he said nervously.

“You son of a bitch,” Creed snarled, striding toward Sanchez with fierce determination.

But before he could reach him, Killian grabbed his arm, trying to hold him back. Ignoring him, Creed shook off Killian’s grip and lunged for Sanchez. He grabbed him by his shirt collar, hoisting him out of his chair with an iron grip. Drawing back his fist, he landed a solid punch on Sanchez’s face.

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