Page 53 of Creed

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Creed stood up and began picking up the scattered folders off the floor. Eli joined in to help.

“You know what they say about throwing things; you have to clean up afterwards,” Eli joked.

“Fuck you, Hawkins,” Creed growled, but then a small smile broke through their tense emotions as they both laughed together.

“We have everything on the computer. Why are you looking through physical copies?”

“I just want to be thorough. Plus, it’s easier to take something with me instead of printing it out first.” Creed shrugged.

“I see your point.” Eli got up and placed the folders he had gathered onto the desk. “I’m heading to Spring City for a case. Let me know if you need anything.”

“I will, thanks.” Creed settled back into his chair.

“Agent McBride?”

Creed glanced up to see Agent Doyle standing next to his desk.

“Agent,” he acknowledged.

“Listen, I know how badly you want to catch him, and I do too. The fact that you can now identify him will help us track him down and arrest him. Law enforcement has issued a BOLO on him. He can’t hide for long without being spotted. We’ll get him.”

Creed let out a heavy sigh. “I hope so. He needs to pay for what he did to Mac.”

“To all of you.”

“He ordered his men to make sure we were all dead. But when they heard sirens, they knew I had called for backup. Still, that didn’t stop the bastard from shooting me again before he ran.” Bitterness filled Creed’s voice as he remembered the moment.

“He probably thought all of you were dead. Ten years ago, I arrested him, put him in prison, but he only got five years. I was pissed, but what can you do? I knew if he got out, he’d go back to his old ways. As much as I hate to admit it, the man is not stupid. He knows how to get around things and with Cartwright in on it, they had the perfect plan.”

“I can’t imagine the money they made by doing this.”

Agent Doyle shook his head. “You should see the house Cartwright lives in. I know he makes good money owning the auction house, but that house is still way out of his price range.”

Creed sighed. “I want them all.”

“And we’ll get them. I’m going to get a room at the local motel. Let me give you my number. If you find out anything, call me. I don’t care what time it is.”

Creed gave him his number and watched as he entered it into his phone.

“Same for you. Let me know if you hear anything. I appreciate your help.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you soon.” Doyle walked out of the office.

Creed sat back in his chair and stared at the folders on the desk. They were a mess now, so he got to work putting them back together, then he’d go through them. Again.

Chapter Nine

As Abbie made her way across the hospital parking lot on a bitterly cold Friday evening, she couldn’t wait to get home and take a hot shower. The chill had seeped into her bones, and now all she wanted was to relax for the rest of the night. However, as she walked, her thoughts turned to Creed and the fact that she hadn’t heard from him in days. She wondered if he was okay or if something was going on.

Her hopes of spending time with him this weekend was dwindling as each day passed without a call or text. It frustrated her that men thought it was acceptable to leave someone hanging like this, without any updates or communication.

Finally reaching her car, she started it up and eagerly pressed the button to turn on the heated seat. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she felt the warmth spreading through her body. As she drove home, her mind continued to wander to Creed and their uncertain plans.

Pulling into her driveway, she exited her SUV and entered the house. A smile lit up her face when she saw Oakley waiting at the door for her. “What do you do all day when I’m not here? No one to glare at?” She chuckled as the cat lifted its paw and nonchalantly licked it. “You have it pretty good, don’t you? Not out in the freezing cold or scorching heat. And this is how you thank me?” After filling Oakley’s food and water dish, Abbie headed upstairs to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes.

With no word from Creed, she resigned herself to eating dinner and watching TV alone. After a quick shower, she settled onto the couch and turned on a movie, but couldn’t help glancing at her phone every few minutes. Finally giving in to her impatience, she picked up the phone and called him.

“McBride,” his voice answered.

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