Page 4 of Creed

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“Yeah, hon?” Connie replied.

“Do you like Mr. McBride?” Abbie nervously nibbled on her lip.

“Creed is one of the kindest men you’ll ever meet,” Connie answered sincerely.

“I see. He seemed a bit rude to me.” Abbie shrugged.

Connie chuckled. “Creed has never been one to hold back. He says what’s on his mind without caring about the consequences.”

Abbie smiled, thinking that summed the man up perfectly.

“That’s definitely the impression I got.”

Connie laughed. “He’s gone through a lot of loss.”

“I see. He’s a widower... and I didn’t know. I made such a stupid comment about his wife. I feel terrible.”

“Honey, don’t beat yourself up over it. You couldn’t have known,” Connie reassured her.

“We started off on the wrong foot, and I just had to make a smartass remark.” Abbie buried her face in her hands. “I need to control my tongue better.”

Connie laughed again. “It will be okay. I should probably go before these hungry customers start a riot. Enjoy your meal.”

As Abbie finished her lunch and went to pay at the cash register, she realized that Creed had already left. She cursed under her breath.

“Hi, Abbie! Did you enjoy your lunch?” Deidra Mitchell greeted her.

“I did, thank you for asking Deidra. How’s Preston doing?”

“He’s doing great now that he can go out and check on the cattle. His back surgery kept him down for a while.”

“I’m glad to hear he’s doing well. I’m sure it was tough for both of you,” Abbie sympathized.

“Oh, trust me, it was. He drove me insane,” Deidra joked.

Abbie chuckled. “I bet. Men are such babies when they’re sick, let alone when they’re in pain. You’d think they were dying.”

“And yet they call us the weaker sex,” Deidra scoffed.

“I know exactly what you mean. I was planning on heading to see my parents in Spring City, but there was a terrible accident that way.”

“There was. Nevada got called in to help with it. He was actually here having lunch when he got the call.”

Looking out the window, Abbie saw heavy snowfall. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to make it to visit her parents today.

“I don’t think I’ll be going to see my parents after all. I hope I can make it home,” she sighed.

“Please be careful,” Deidra urged her.

Abbie nodded, paid for her meal, and stepped outside to find that the snow had gotten even heavier. Would she be stuck in traffic for hours? Only time would tell...

As she walked along the sidewalk, heading for her vehicle, she gazed up at the Glacier Mountains, their peaks hidden by newly fallen snow. She groaned at the sight; more snow meant more trouble. Driving slowly through the streets, she received a call through her car’s stereo system. A smile spread across her face as she saw her best friend’s name on the screen.

“Hey, Lorna,” Abbie greeted.

“Hey, Abs. What are you doing on this lovely, snowy day?”

“Just heading home from the diner. The roads are treacherous, so I’m taking it slow.”

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