Page 28 of Creed

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“I’ve been having a dream for the past few nights. I think my memory is trying to come back.”

“Tell me.”

As she listened, he told her about the dream, and she could see how it was bothering him that he couldn’t remember more.

“Don’t push it. If it’s trying to come back, don’t try to force it. It will come in its own time.”

“It’s a damned if I do, damned if I don’t situation. I’d love to remember but I’m also worried about all that happened. All I know is what Dave told me.” He sighed. “They think those men were waiting for us.”

Abbie gasped. “Really? But how?”

“Dave said only our department knew about our operation. That’s when they suspected that there might have been an insider involved. But it couldn’t be proven that it was someone from within. According to Dave, those men were ready for us, like they knew we were coming. They had armor-piercing bullets. Despite wearing our vests and having our weapons drawn, we were completely blindsided. This is all hearsay to me. I don’t remember any of it.”

“But it does sound like your memory is trying to come back.”

“I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to get so close, only to have it snatched back. I can see the woods, the moonlight through the trees, and I swear, I can even smell the forest, but I get so far and nothing.”

“It’s always the same dream?”

“Yes. I hear something to my left, raise my gun, and then I wake up.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how that feels.” She brushed his hair back from his forehead.

“It’s tough. I’m hoping it comes back but I’m also hoping it doesn’t. If that makes any sense.”

“It does. You want to know what happened, but it could be very painful for you.”


“How about we just watch a movie and relax? Stop thinking about your job and that night and enjoy our evening.”

“I’d like that.”

They settled in to watch a movie and Abbie made popcorn. She glanced at him to see him watching her. She smiled and watched as he sat up, took the bowl from her and set it on the coffee table, then he cupped her cheek in his hand, leaned forward and kissed her. He raised his lips and stared into her eyes.

“I want you, Abbie, but I won’t pressure you.”

“What if I pressure you?” She smiled.

“You can do anything you want.” He put his face against her neck and kissed her there.

“I do want you, Creed. I’m just nervous. I’ve only been with one man.”

“Take your time.”

Abbie shook her head and got to her feet.

“I don’t want to take my time. I want you. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

Creed stood. “You could never do that.”

Abbie huffed. “You don’t know that.”

“I do. You’re too sexy.”

“You think I’m sexy?” She shook her head.

“Hell, yes, and I bet very sensual in bed.”

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