Page 27 of Creed

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“I have a feeling I’ll be cold.”

“Go sit down. I’ll bring you your coffee.”

“I’m not helpless. I can wait, then I’ll sit down.”

“Okay.” Abbie made him a cup of coffee and noticed her hands shaking. She jerked when Creed placed his hand over hers.

“Why are you so nervous?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” She sighed as she looked at him.

“Is it me? I mean, I can go if you’re nervous about me being here in your home.”

“Oh, my God. No. Creed, I trust you completely. That’s not it.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.”

“I’m positive.”

The coffee sputtered out and she removed the cup. She turned to hand it to him, but she was surprised when he was right behind her. He took the cup from her, sipped it, and walked to the living room. Abbie blew out her breath and leaned against the counter. Why was she so nervous? The only thing she could think of was all the talk about sex with Lorna made her realize how much she wanted Creed to stay with her tonight, but she was nervous as hell.

Once dinner was ready, she told him to come to the table. He stood beside it, waiting for her to sit first.

Abbie motioned for him to go ahead, but he shook his head.

“After you,” he said.

“Your mama raised you right.” Abbie smiled.

“Yes, she did.”

“So, anything on Pap’s case?”

“Not yet. I have gotten in touch with auction houses since your grandfather had the cattle microchipped. They’re keeping an eye out. They usually check the livestock anyway.”

“I didn’t know Pap had them microchipped.”

“I’m glad he did. If the cattle are taken to an auction house, they check them, but some rustlers don’t always take the livestock there for that reason. Thing is that a lot of people don’t microchip their livestock and rustlers are aware of that. If they’re willing to risk it, they’ll take them to an auction, but some thieves steal for other people for money, so they don’t show up at the auctions.”

“But, if they did, you’d know?”

“Yes, ma’am. Each chip is assigned a fifteen-digit, unique ID code which is thenregistered in a database such as a livestock registryand stays associated with your animal for its entire life.”

“Well, I hope they take them to an auction house then. I know Pap wants his cattle back.”

“I hope I can recover them for him. Any number of livestock stolen is a loss of a lot of money.”

“I’m sure you’ll do all you can.”

“I’m going to try. This chicken is fantastic.”

Abbie blushed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

After dinner, he helped her clean up, then they went to the living room to relax. She sat on the sofa and smiled when Creed sat beside her.

“Dinner was great,” he said.

“Thank you.” She laughed. “I’ve said that a lot tonight.” Creed smiled and she stared at him. “Is something bothering you?”

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