Page 24 of Her Golden Heart

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“Fine is,” Mohlad murmurs as I walk around the makeshift table again.

“I know,” I say, “ but… there.”

I adjust a plate and the utensils next to it one last time then step back to eye my handiwork. Two long tables are set up, dominating the staff dining area that Nyanna gracefully allowed me to commandeer.

Mohlad comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzling against my neck. I lean my head to the side, enjoying his closeness and the soft kisses until the door behind us opens. I stiffen and Mohlad takes a step back, turning as he does.

“Hi,” I say.

Paxton has his easy going smile ready as he and Chloe walk in. She has Remi in her arms and he’s fussing. Leia walks behind them looking sullen until Mohlad moves right to her and pulls her into a hug. She gasps with surprise then he tickles her and she’s laughing. The two of them walk to the far side of the room together. I watch them for a moment, appreciating how Mohlad has integrated himself into my family.

As those two take a seat Chloe finds a chair herself and adjusts her shirt so she can feed Remi. Paxton comes to me and gives me a big hug. He holds me for a moment then steps back, holding me at arm's length.

“You getting younger Mom?” he asks.

“You’re impossible,” I say, shaking my head.

“No, I’m serious, you look…” he trails off looking thoughtful. “I don’t know. Can’t put my finger on it exactly, but you look younger.

I laugh and smile but I know what he means, though I’m not willing to say it out loud. My wrinkles seem to be less pronounced than they were. It’s as if my skin is tightening again.

“Thanks,” I say. “The others coming?—”

Before I finish the sentence the door opens again and Ands and her family come in. The moment the door is open Mikel screeches and darts across the room like a torpedo, right at Mohlad. Mohlad is on his knees with his arms wide, ready for Mikel.

Mohlad rolls backwards with Mikel letting him think he knocked him down. The rest of the grandkids pile in and the sound of laughter fills the room. Juniper arrives with her children and both the boys let their hair down and join in on the wrestling.

My kids surround me to either side and we watch the children play. We stand in comfortable silence then Paxton puts an arm around my shoulders, followed by Jun and then Ands joins in the group hug.

“I like him,” Ands says at last.

“Whaaaaa,” Paxton exclaims dragging it out as he pokes fun at his sister.

“Shut up,” Ands says.

Juniper smiles and nods her agreement. I do my best to get my arms around all three of them pulling them tight. I thought I was at the end of my life but listening to the laughter, surrounded by my children, I know that it’s only just beginning. This is the start, not the end.

And my heart swells. I don’t know how or why and I can only agree with what I know Mohlad would say.

“Tajss provides,” I whisper.



“Are we certain?” I ask, staring at each of my brothers in turn.

All of us are assembled here, away from the humans. It was not easy to get them together without the humans, but I need this time before I explain the threat to those in our care.

“I know what I fought,” Mohlad says.

The bandage around his middle is a testament to his words. I do not doubt him but I hope, knowing it is beyond reason, that he is wrong.

“Pertinaxians?” I ask. “You are sure.”

“I never saw or fought them during the Devastation, but they match the descriptions I learned, yes,” Mohlad says.

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