Page 18 of Her Scarred Heart

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“One,” I say, breathless. “Treasure. Yours.”

His smile is brighter than the suns that will rise in the morning. I throw myself forward and into his arms. Our lips smash together as I tackle him and knock him over, onto his back. He laughs and I do too.



Her lips are liquid desire and I cannot get enough. We kiss and we kiss and we kiss. I could die happy never having had more than her kiss. My body responds to her, of course, but my attention is on this moment. Savoring, tasting, enjoying every brush of our lips together.

Shifting from soft and gentle, to needy and insistent and back. We kiss as the stars shift above and time slips past without care or concern. We kiss and the fire stoking in my guts burns with the fiery need of both suns yet remains quietly controlled. All because of her kiss.

Her perfect. Incredible. Amazing, kiss. Could life be any better?

Our hands roam, hers twisting through my hair, tugging on my horns and I give myself over to her. Fully and completely. When she rises onto her forearms, breathless, her eyes two shining stars in the darkness, I try to follow, not wanting the kissing to end, but she places two fingers on my lips and pushes me down.

So easily she exerts control, and I am as clay in her hands, ready to be molded into whatever shape might please her. She hovers over me, her face so close, yet not touching. Her beauty is so much that it is, in its way, painful to look upon the desire and devotion I feel to her is so great.

I know the scars bother her but in my eyes they only serve to enhance her beauty. She is a survivor. The pain she has endured has made her strong. She is perfect. Exactly as Tajss wanted her to be and therefore she is exactly as I want her.

Love is not about beauty, or bodies, or anything to do with the flesh. Love is of the soul and our souls are two halves of one. We belong together and it matters not how she appears because she is my treasure and I am hers.

She brushes her lips against mine. The lightest of touches, no more than a feathering, but my mouth is watering and my lips tingling. A soft moan slips out before I can control myself and she smiles.

She runs her fingers over my face, tracing the lines of my jaw, my hair, then down over my nose and across my lips. I suck on her fingers and she groans with pleasure. I put one hand on her lower back and trail my fingers along her side then run them through her hair.

She shivers under my touch and a smile plays across her lips then she’s biting the lower one. Her hands move down my neck and across my shoulders. Her fingers leave warmth in their wake. Warmth and desire. My scales soak her in, her touch leaving an indelible burn on my soul.

I curl my tail up and stroke down her back onto her ass. She giggles and then peppers my lips with more kisses. Her hands are moving across my chest. She alternates massages, touches, and scratches with her fingernails. The sensations are incredible as she moves them lower between us all the while her lips are tasting mine.

When she slips her hand between our bodies and strokes the length of my cock I shudder with pleasure. My cock is throbbing with need, but she is in control. This is her show. Her eyes widen as she feels her way around my dick through my pants.

“Big,” she murmurs between peppering kisses.

“Okay?” I ask, concerned it might be more than her body can handle.

She bites her lip, eyes half-closed and filled with lust she nods but there is a degree of uncertainty. I must be very careful not to cause her harm.

The stroking of her hand, the weight of her body on mine, and the taste and feel of her lips make it hard to hold onto rational thought. My body wants what it wants and my heart wants her even more.

I want this closeness. No, I need it. And I feel the call of it in her too. In her touch. In her kisses. In the warmth of her breath crossing my face. The heat of her skin resting on my cool scales.

I slide my hand down to cup her ass and delight in the way it perfectly fits into my hand. As if it was crafted to be exactly so. I squeeze and massage and she softly moans. One of her hands is twisting in my hair, the other is rubbing my cock.

I thrust my hips up and into her, almost involuntarily. It’s instinct and need taking over. She shifts so that she is straddling my hips, pushing me down into the soft sand below the blanket. She rises upright, towering above me. Her hair falls back across her face. Her eyes flash with the reflected light of the stars like twinkling gems. Her chest rises and falls with rapid, heavy breaths. He leans back, thrusting her chest forward, the soft mounds of her breasts making dark outlines against the backdrop of stars.

I have heard so much about the human females’ breasts. My mated brothers speak of them in hushed whispers with awe in their voices. So alien, exotic, they are, per them, exposed, not hidden behind a protective plate. I cannot deny my desire to see them.

And the moment is coming. Anticipation builds, my hearts beat faster, my breath speeds up, and my cock throbs in response. She moves so carefree that it is beautiful to watch. Each motion almost languid as she works the fasteners of her shirt, undoing one clasp at a time.

She is a shadow outlined by the light of the night sky making her appear mysterious and even more beautiful. As if she is the beauty of night itself given form. As the shirt comes undone and falls to the sides I see the mounds, but not the details.

Unable to resist I raise my hands but being mindful to move slowly. I am not taking control, that is hers still, but I must touch them. Feel the softness of her skin. She leans back further, pushing them out and I see them clearly for the first time as the light of the moon casts a silvery glow across them.

They are the shape of water dripping. Smaller than I had guessed, but perfect nonetheless. At the peak of them are dark circles. In the low light I cannot make them out for sure, but I assume those are the nipples, which my brothers tell me are highly erotic for their mates. So exotic! The physiology of the humans is a delight to behold and seeing hers my cock is throbbing with desire.

I cup one breast in each hand, feeling its weight, the soft skin, hefting to explore them. She gasps softly and rocks her hips, grinding against my cock. I groan with pleasure too. She leans her head back emitting a soft moaning sound.

She leans forward, pressing her breasts and her weight into my hands. She bites her lower lip, grinding on my cock. She lifts herself up then swings off me. On her knees she stares, hesitating, and I wait to see what she will do next.

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