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Aisha put her hand on Gabi’s arm, and the back of Gabi’s neck tingled.

Aisha lowered her head, wafted her hand over the food, and inhaled. “It smells good.”

As Aisha stood, she was close enough to kiss. Her shallow, fast breaths, unblinking gaze, and the slight quiver in her lip as she smiled were undeniably allied with Gabi’s racing heart and the thrill that swept through her and pulsed at her core. Gabi leaned forward.

Aisha held up the oven glove. “You’ll need this.”

Gabi groaned and clasped the pan handle with shaking hands, her heart thundering. The pan rolled like a wave as she lifted it onto the surface. It landed with a thud and a shrimp escaped and landed on the countertop.

Aisha popped it into her mouth. “Perfecto.”

Aisha licked her fingers, and Gabi’s mouth watered. She could almost taste the saffron on Aisha’s wet lips, and feel the softness, and their perfect shape.

Aisha brushed against Gabi’s arm as she picked up the serving spoon and, locking eyes with Gabi, held it out to her. “You’ll need this too.”

Gabi took the handle, her fingers touching Aisha’s, and they held the spoon together, staring at each other. Gabi’s focus narrowed to the want she saw in Aisha’s expression. “Thanks.”

Aisha let go of the spoon. “Where are the plates?”

“Plates.” Gabi blinked and tried to recall where they were. She cast her eyes around the kitchen. “Ah, yes, plates. They’re in the dresser in the living room.”

Aisha cleared her throat as she brushed past Gabi. She froze, and her skin tingled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. How could she be so nervous about making the first move? She watched Aisha return with the plates and enjoyed the gentle sway of her hips, the quiet smile on her face, and the intensity in her eyes. It was impossible to think let alone control anything.

Aisha held out the plates. “These?”

Gabi took a pace towards her and kissed her.

Aisha dropped the plates on the floor. She gasped as the shattering of china interrupted the moment. Gabi laughed and Aisha kissed her.

Warmth, and tenderness, and a hint of wine stirred something deep inside her. She had a sense of arriving, and that this was where she’d always been heading, where she was meant to remain. With her hands on Aisha’s waist, and Aisha’s arms around Gabi’s neck, Gabi guided her backwards. They kissed deeply as Gabi crunched through the broken china and pushed Aisha back against the wall.

Aisha caressed the back of Gabi’s neck and ran her fingers through Gabi’s hair. Gabi breathed softly as their tongues met, and the pulse in her core became more insistent. She drew Aisha closer. Warmth radiated through her body. Aisha held her face in both hands, bit her lip, and kissed her firmly. Gabi moaned in pleasure.

Aisha pulled out of the kiss and stared at Gabi with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. “I—”

Gabi ran her thumb across her wet lips. She smiled, though Aisha’s vulnerability caught her off guard and caused her fingers to tremble. “You okay?” she whispered.

Aisha nodded. “I’m sorry about the plates,” she said.

Gabi laughed. “You’re so cute.”

Aisha laughed and stroked Gabi’s cheek. Gabi thought she had a look of wonder, like she’d discovered a new precious gem. She kissed Aisha’s nose and the top of her cheeks under each eye. She kissed her tenderly on the lips and more deeply. She eased out of the kiss, created a space between them, and smiled. “I love kissing you.”

Aisha’s fingers trembled as she stroked Gabi’s cheek again. “I thought this was wrong,” Aisha whispered.

Gabi wrapped Aisha in her arms and Aisha leaned against her, her hands firm and warm on Gabi’s back, her heart thundering in sync with the beat of Gabi’s heart. She pressed her lips to Aisha’s hair and took slow deep breaths to calm her desire. “This is right, and if anyone tells you differently, they’re lying.”

Aisha eased back from Gabi. She smiled and her eyes became glassy. “Thank you,” she whispered and kissed Gabi again.

When she moved away her cheeks were wet with the silent tears she’d shed. Aisha’s vulnerability and beauty stirred in Gabi a fierce desire to protect her. She stroked the strands of hair from Aisha’s face, traced the shape of her ear down to her chin, and brushed her thumb lightly across her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m here for you,” she said.

Aisha nodded.

Gabi kissed her slowly, unhurriedly.

Aisha moaned softly, and Gabi stepped back and smiled.

“The paella’s getting cold,” Aisha whispered.

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