Page 82 of Cheater

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“They know, don’t they?”

“Know what?”

“Don’t patronize me, baby. They’re not very good actors. And you? I see straight through you.”

“My friends know me. They know I’m not acting like myself because you’re fucking with me. Alannah knows I’ve been weird since that day you sent the fake text. She saw through it; I didn’t say anything. I’m texting my boss now telling him something came up, that you had to cancel our meeting. Because I can’t possibly have a professional conversation with him right now.”

“Your friends know something’s amiss by your behavior. Yet the guy you’re supposed to marry thinks everything is hunky dory. Right, Chloe? What does that tell you about your relationship with him?”

“My relationship with my fiancé is none of your business.”

“I’ve made it my business,” he clips, then warns. “If Jeff or Alannah do anything stupid about you and me, they’ll be sorry. You’ll be sad. I don’t want you sad, so convince them everything is good. Don’t make me feel like I have no choice but to upset you by retaliating.”

“You’ve done nothing but upset me, Derek. And you could choose to stop fucking with my life.”

“Not gonna happen.”

Frustration is practically oozing from my pores. “I’m leaving now. Starting my car.”

“Don’t disappoint me, Chloe.”

“Goodbye, Derek.”

“Next Friday,” he says. “One o’clock. Weekly meeting.”

Does that mean he’s going to leave me alone for a whole week? I sure as heck hope so.

“Unless I can’t wait that long,” he adds, then laughs.

I aggressively stab end with my finger and put my forehead to my steering wheel.

Breathe, Chloe.

I decide to message my boss before leaving the parking lot.

Client had something come up and had to cancel our meeting after I arrived. I waited for quite a while but he said he’ll be in touch to reschedule. I’ve got a migraine so I’m going to be offline this afternoon. I’ll check in with you Monday morning.

My boss immediately replies.

Oh ok. Feel better. Have a good weekend.

I’m relieved he’s not calling me, asking a zillion questions.

When I get home, I call Alannah.

“Hey, breastie,” she answers fake-sunnily. “God, I’m in major need of some best friend time. I miss you.”

“Derek knows you know there’s something not right between him and I. I need to make sure you and Jeff leave it all be. He’s probably got someone listening now or will get a recording of this call or something.”

“Sweetie, what the fuck? I knew something was wonky with that text after he showed up and told you to come over. And you’ve been quiet ever since.”

“Let’s just say he doesn’t want things to end regardless of what I’ve said, and he’s been very… adamant about me doing what he wants me to do.”

“Is he hurting you?” she asks. “I’ll go to jail for you, sister; you know I will.”

“Not hurting me,” I reply. “But that’s probably because I’m cooperating.”

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