Page 46 of Shake You

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“I was just wondering if already planning dessert before I’ve even had my main course makes me a greedy asshole.”

“And what conclusion did you come to?”

“That I have a healthy appetite, but I’m not greedy, just fucking starving.”

As he finished speaking, he brought his hand to rest on my hips, then lifted me to position me right above his dick.

“Now let me eat, before I start getting hangry.” He released my hips, and I followed his lead, lowering myself quickly onto his waiting erection. Holy shit.

I’d underestimated just how sensitive I still was, but was instantly reminded when an electric current of arousal jolted through my body like I’d been tasered.

“Jesus.” I reached out for Bear’s shoulders to steady myself, and to alert Bear to the need to hold back a little. “Ah...” The thoughts were there, but as he proceeded to pound into me, the words wouldn’t co-operate accordingly, refusing to leave my mouth even though they’d formed in my brain, and I had every intention of saying them.

I waited a few moments before trying again, by which time the intensity was only building. Bear placed his hands back on my thighs and lifted me up and down the length of his dick as he moved his hips back and forth in the opposite direction, fast and hard.

“Aaah... you need to slow down. I can’t... This is... I won’t last long.


Okay? This had to be a trick. He never agreed to anything so readily.

He slowed the movement of his hips a little, and finally pulled his gaze from mine for the first time in what felt like forever. Thank God.

I followed his eyeline, and found him staring at the deep dip of my gown. I figured out his plan too late as a small smirk graced his lips, and he reached inside the V, taking a breast in each hand. Before I could stop him, he’d squeezed each nipple hard, sending further shockwaves ricocheting around my body, to settle at the base of my stomach.

Despite knowing the room was soundproof, I bit my lip, preventing myself from calling out, though there was nothing I could do to stop my body from jerking against his.

“Umm... this is really not what I meant when I said I wanted to ease off a little.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I give the impression I gave a fuck? My bad. I don’t.”

My God, I hated him. What a self-serving, arrogant, ba—

I lost my train of thought as Bear took my nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. At the same time, he resumed rocking his hips, pushing back and forth, in and out of me. He placed his hands back on my thighs and resumed lifting me up and down, also. Not what I had in mind. Not even close.

Even still, my ability, and maybe will, to resist him slipped away, and all that was left was raw desire. As though reading my thoughts, Bear bit down on my nipple just hard enough to hurt a little, but mostly enough to have me epically lose my inhibitions.

I rolled my head backward, letting out the scream of pleasure that I’d been holding in. I might have disagreed with Bear’s ethics and moral stance about pretty much everything, but I couldn’t deny that the guy knew how to fuck. Well, he knew how to fuck me, at least.

I really hoped what he’d told me about the room’s soundproofing was the truth—it was hard to tell with him—or else the other party guests were probably about to call the emergency services fearing someone was being murdered.

Taking my outburst as his cue to up the ante even further, he moved his mouth to the other nipple, clamping with equal force, but also pulling me harder into his lap.

I gave up all pretense of holding back, and picked up his rhythm, riding him hard and deep. It was some of the hottest sex I’d ever had, and some of the dirtiest, which was less about what I was doing, but with whom. Illicit hate sex, it turned out, was the best kind.

With that thought in mind I straightened up, bringing my head forward again, to find Bear still staring at me. Our gazes locked, and what transpired can best be described as a battle of wills. Each of us seemed to be saying, “I dare you,” goading the other to come first. I was as stubborn as the next person, and didn’t want to lose at anything to Bear, but resisting the feelings building inside was an act of restraint of Herculean proportions.

In the end, we surrendered at the exact same time, coming loud and hard. Growling like his namesake, Bear bit down on my nipple again, while thrusting inside me with so much force that I feared for my ability to walk straight ever again. He throbbed rhythmically inside me, as I clenched and squeezed around him, doing my best wolf impression to match his bear.


Chapter 26


“Jesus Christ, Honey Bee. No matter what I think of you most of the time, one thing I can’t fault you on is your ability to get me off. You fucking kill it.”

“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment, especially delivered moments after you’ve come, and while you still have your dick inside me. You’re welcome.”

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