Page 45 of Shake You

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“Hmm...if you didn’t ask me up here for an inquisition, why exactly am I here, Mr. Hamilton?” The flaming hot look in her eyes and the way she licked her lips oh so slowly, and oh so deliberately, told me she was fucking with me. What I hoped was that it also meant she was going to let me fuck her, and soon.

“Well, I did have a few things in mind. Like this.” I quickly swung my feet to the ground again and was off the chair, and on my knees in front of her in nanoseconds. It was another micro-moment before I’d yanked her forward a little, right to the end of the desk, and another before I’d reached up under the long skirt of her evening dress and run my fingers up her stocking-clad legs, eliciting a startled yelp from her.

A few more moments, and my hands were sliding further and further up her legs, until they reached the top of her thighs. As they connected with her abdomen. I moved them along the mound of her stomach, noting the absence of underwear. Holy. Shit.

I pulled back a little to look her in the eye. “Going commando today, Honey Bee, what’s the occasion?” I quirked my eyebrow, a small smile playing on the corner of my lips.

“Who needs an occasion? But tonight it’s an obscenely tight dress, and the niggling sense that I wouldn’t be needing panties.” Again, she had good instincts.

“You were right about that. Now lie back and let me show you exactly why not.

Chapter 25


I lay back on the oak, as instructed, relishing the feel of the cool wood against my back. Then when Bear hitched up the mermaid train of my dress until it was bunched around my hips and lowered his mouth to my clit, I was overcome by searing heat that radiated from Ground Zero, all across my whole body. I couldn’t tell if he was just so extraordinarily good, or, like him, I was hornier than I’d ever been, but either way, I wasn’t sure how long I could resist coming.

When he moved to start licking my clit while sipping first one finger, then another inside me, I knew it wasn’t going to be long. I propped myself up on my elbows, and reached down to try to still Bear’s bobbing head.

“Umm... it’s going to be all over very quickly if you don’t slow down, I’m already close.”

“I don’t care. You know this is just an appetizer before the main feast, right? If it’s done in one mouthful, who cares? There’s plenty more where that one came from. In fact, there’s a whole fucking buffet, as well as the à la carte dining options. Now lie back, and let me eat.” He reached up and pressed on my stomach to reinforce his point. My body bucked as I lowered myself again, my back arching in unadulterated pleasure.

For all the assholery that spewed from his mouth, I had to hand it to him—he knew how to use it when it counted, and right then, it definitely counted. He was pretty good with his hands, too, though maybe that was to be expected, given his sporting prowess. He pushed down with the hand on my stomach, intensifying the pressure of the fingers inside me, and I lost the battle to hold back.

My orgasm swept through my body in a rolling wave of sensation that blazed a trail of heat in its wake. I clamped my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle the moans and screams I so desperately wanted to let out.

“Don’t hold back. These old panels are the best kind of soundproofing. You could torture someone to death in here and someone right outside the hall would have no idea what was going on a few feet away.” What a disturbingly disconcerting “fun” fact to recount during sex.

Worse still, I got the impression that the revelation was more than just a passing comment, but I had neither the wherewithal nor the desire to ask for clarification, even though I probably should have. On the other hand, if I was about to be tortured to death, at least I’d go out having gotten my rocks off. Not quite a last meal, at least not for me, anyway.

“Fuck. This is the best restaurant I’ve ever dined at. I love that it’s all you can eat. That’s an offer I’m going to take up repeatedly.”

I propped myself up on my elbows and as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, I had the sudden urge to taste myself on his lips. Actually, it was less of an urge and more of a compulsion. I needed to.

Bear straightened up, grimacing a little—clearly stiff from kneeling. I smiled a little—somehow having him on his knees before me gave me a rush and made me feel powerful. He was so big and commanding that, despite all my posturing, the balance of power between us definitely wasn’t equal—the dice were stacked in his favor—but it was nice to know I could bring him to his knees, if only to go down on me.

He lowered himself back down into the chair and rolled along a little so that he was in front of me again. This time, as I sat there with my legs still spread apart, and on full view to him in the most intimate way, I almost saw the balance of power swing back in his favor.

Still, I made no attempt to cover myself up as he undid his pants, and his dick sprang eagerly from his boxer briefs and stood proudly to attention in his lap. He gripped my thighs, squeezing hard and pulling me to him, coaxing me off the end of the desk.

I leaned forward, about to angle my mouth above his dick, when he reached out and stilled me gently.

“Let’s skip the pasta course and go straight to the mains.”

“You’re sure?”

“Totally. This isn’t a tit for tat scenario. As long as everyone gets something to eat, we’re good. Besides, as I said before, I’m so hungry I can hardly see straight.” He slipped a condom on as he spoke, but barely tore his gaze from mine as he did.

When he was done, he reached out for my hands. “Come here.” It wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. For once, I was feeling pretty damned compliant, so I went to him without hesitation. It was my turn to kneel—this time—across his lap. I quickly hitched my dress around my waist before taking his hands, and maneuvering myself so that my knees were resting either side of his toned thighs on the oversized office chair

I was still so sensitive with arousal from coming moments earlier, that my body was like a giant tinder box ready to ignite at the merest touch from Bear.

I stared him down. His intense and unwavering gaze was unnerving, especially given how worked up I was, but as apprehensive as it made me, I brazened it out, because I wanted Bear to know I could. I didn’t want him to see how much he affected me, and how vulnerable I was at that moment.

“What are you thinking?” I wanted to break his focus, and bring the intensity level down a little.

Silence stretched out between us and had me wondering if he had any intention of answering my question at all. I stayed silent. If he wasn’t going to speak, neither was I.

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