Page 37 of Shake You

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“You heard me. Turn around and move to the side a little.”

“But the bike...”

“Don’t worry about the bike; just do as you’re told.” I hesitated, then did as he said. More out of curiosity than anything.

“Bend over and hold on to the bike.” I hesitated again, surprised at the instruction.

“Bend. Over.” I did. “Good. That wasn’t so hard now, was it? Unlike my dick, which is like rock right now. But we’ll get to that in due course”—I watched over my shoulder as he rolled on a condom—“but first, I’m going to prove myself right.” What the hell was he talking about?

Seconds later, he ran his hand up under my skirt, and quickly into my panties. It was only a few short moments before he’d slipped two fingers inside me.

“Ha! I knew it! Word to the wise... next time I ask you if you’re wet for me, you tell me the truth.” He withdrew his fingers quickly, and as I turned to look at him again, shoved them into his mouth, sucking hungrily, Oh God. The simple movement was hot as sin.

“I don’t owe you anything, least of all, details of what’s going on inside my panties.”

“Trust me, when we’re done here today, you’re going to owe me everything.”

As he said “everything” he pushed roughly inside me, going deep. He seemed bigger and harder than I remembered—another way in which he resembled his animal namesake, and judging by the way he was driving into me, he was determined to prove it.

Glad of having the bike to anchor myself, I thrust backward to meet him stroke for stroke. Two could play at the “you’re going to owe me everything” game, and I wanted him to know that I was never going to just lie back and submit to him. Not when it came to my article about Cygnus, or when we fucked. Besides, deep and intense though it was, the sex was way too good for me to just be a passive participant.

The more he pushed, the more I needed, and the more I wanted to give. As though reading my thoughts, Bear reached down and gripped my ponytail, winding it around his hand a couple of times before pulling my head hack, and thrusting harder.

Holy shit!! That was hot. I couldn’t recall another guy ever doing that to me, and I briefly wondered why nobody had. The thoughts didn’t last long as my mind was clouded with pleasure. I leaned my head back instinctively craving more, and Bear didn’t disappoint. In fact, I got the distinct impression that for him, in the bedroom, there were no limits.

As the urgency between us built, I pushed and pulled wildly, not caring that he was gripping my hips so hard there would probably be bruises where his fingers had dug into my flesh, as he tried to ensure that I wouldn’t slip out of his grasp. Not minding that my head would probably be tender from him pulling at my hair. Giving zero fucks about my neighbors hearing every pant, shout, scream and groan.

Our pace escalated in sync, and I knew we were both close to the edge. Bear bent forward, hinged at the waist, then lowered his mouth to my ear.

“Speaking of doing things my way,” His voice was low and sensual, and the warm stroke of his breath as it caressed my neck, as gentle as a midsummer breeze, provided the last nudge my libido needed to send my orgasm from pending to full effect. “Now would be a good time to stop this witch hunt you have going on with Cygnus Dei. It’s not the kind of organization that will let someone like you be its downfall.”

With those words he ploughed into me one last time, proving to be my downfall. I came with a ferocity and fervor I’d never experienced before. It was as though at the same time I couldn’t get enough of him, I’d already had too much.

I was screwed in more ways than one.

Bear’s thick, heavy body rested on my back like a deadweight, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could support the both of us, but didn’t seem to have the wherewithal to say or do anything to get him to move.

We’d both been vocal in our climaxes, but having climbed to the apex and freefallen down the other side, we were now much quieter—the only sounds for a few moments were our short shallow breaths as we fought to recover normal breathing patterns.

Bear recovered first, thankfully. He straightened up, and began dealing with the condom, and tucking himself back into his pants. I stood slowly, stiff from being bent over, and in shock about his last remark.

Bear on the other hand was all business, barely acknowledging my existence, clearly unmoved by what had just gone down between us. So it’s like that, is it? Well two can play at that game, buddy.

I fixed my panties, and pulled down my skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles that had appeared while it was bunched around my waist. Bear tossed the condom into the waste paper basket, and continued fixing himself. When he was done, he tipped his chin toward me as though greeting a passing acquaintance in the dorm hallway. I nodded back in much the same way, saying nothing until he’d crossed the room and had his hand on the door handle to leave.

“Oh, Bear?” I waited for him to look at me. “You should probably know that my way of doing things is that as far as I’m concerned, if something doesn’t exist in triplicate, then it doesn’t exist at all. So the article you and your goons thought you’d destroyed? Well, it’s been backed up to at least four other locations, including in the cloud. Good luck tracing and destroying all of them. Plus, even if you somehow succeeded in doing that, I have it all right here,” I tapped at my temple, “and that’s not going anywhere.”

He scowled, looking as though he’d take pleasure in wringing my neck with his bare hands, then stormed out of the room, slamming the door so loudly the windows rattled in their frames.

Chapter 21


Even though we couldn’t meet for a few hours, by the time we did, my rage had in no way diminished. I should have just skipped classes for the rest of the day. Those I’d attended hadn’t served in any way to distract me from the shit show that was unfolding with Honey, and I couldn’t have recounted a word that was said in any of them, if someone had put a gun to my head and threatened to pull the trigger. I had no idea.

In Xavier’s room, I couldn’t seem to sit or stand, so settled for pacing the room like a deranged circus animal.

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