Page 36 of Shake You

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Chapter 20


We pulled up to my dorm block, and I turned to face Bear as he put the bike down on the sidewalk, and leant it against the short wall outside.

“Thank you, I guess. It was definitely a new—”

The kiss was consuming, sucking me into a hazy vortex of arousal. Though I hated to admit it, he’d been right earlier when he’d said that I was wet for him. It made no sense to me, but as much as his arrogance irritated me to the point of distraction, it also tapped into some part of my libido that I hadn’t even known existed before meeting Bear.

I couldn’t work out if somehow his douchiness fired up some primordial part of my brain that just wanted a caveman to drag me away to his lair, or if I was simply less evolved than I’d given myself credit for.

Either way, when our lips touched as we stood in the middle of the path by my dorm, and desire flowed through my body like flood waters quenching a previously arid river bed, I gave zero fucks who saw me devour him as though he was my last death-row meal.

I led the way up to my room, and Bear followed with the bike back over his shoulder again—I guessed he figured that it was quicker and easier to carry it up than to secure it to the bike racks at the back of the building, and I had to admit that I shared his sense of urgency, just a little. Plus, I knew the longer it took to get inside, the more likely I was to come to my senses, and change my mind about even letting him upstairs.

Once in my room, Bear put it just to the right of the door, clicking it onto its kickstand, before striding into the middle of the room and turning to face me.

“So this is Honey HQ. The hive, so to speak. Interesting...”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I didn’t come up here for a D&M, so let’s cut to the chase.”

“So romantic.”

“Yeah, well, we both know that neither of us wants romance, so quit stalling and get over here, or…”

I was beginning to see that his nickname suited him for more than just his physical stature and sporting prowess.

“Or, what?”

“Seriously, don’t make me come over there.” He scowled like a bear with a sore head.

I folded my arms, and stared hard into his dark-brown eyes, daring him to do whatever it was he had in mind.

He was across the room and pressed up against me in a flash. Again, I was surprised by the speed and ease with which he moved. Evidently it was one of the reasons he was such a weapon on the field.

“I said don’t make me come over here.”

“And I clearly don’t give a whole fuck what you say.”

“Okay, have it your way.” He started undoing his jeans, never moving his gaze from mine. I did my best to stand my ground under his intense scrutiny, but it wasn’t easy. Not only was the tension building between us as thrilling as it was terrifying, but I was getting seriously turned on, just watching him watching me.

I looked down as he released his dick from his pants.

“Eyes up here, baby,” Along with regretting complaining about his use of the word genitals, I had a feeling that I was going to wish I’d never told him not to call me baby. Turned out that as well as being built like a grizzly, with a disposition to match, he was also as stubborn as a fucking bear too. “Seeing as you didn’t want to meet in the middle, this round is on my terms.”

What? He was insane.

“You can’t—” I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

“I told you, stop saying that. I can. And I am.”

He pulled me against his body, and I steeled myself for another brutal kiss. Of course, Bear being Bear, none was forthcoming. His rules. Instead he pushed my shoulder gently.

“Turn around.”

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