Page 65 of Fake You

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When the conversation was over, I kept a smile on my face while the older man walked across the room away from us.

“What the ever-loving fuck is going on?” I kept my voice low and my smile in place, like a department store mannequin.

“Exactly what it seems—you just landed yourself an internship with the best there is. Remember when I said that dinner date was a celebration? Well that was what we were celebrating. Not that you knew at the time. ” He was batshit crazy.

“Well, obviously I’m not doing that, but I can’t figure out why you had us go through that whole charade.”

“It wasn’t a charade. It’s a great fucking opportunity, and it has just fallen into your lap, thanks to me. Actually, not thanks to me, but thanks to the doors that can open when you’re in the same association, and have leverage over someone.”

“And by association, you mean secret society? Cygnus?”

“It’s called a secret society for a reason.”

“So that’s a yes.”

“I can neither confirm nor deny. But I can tell you that I went to school with Tom’s son. That guy has a list of indiscretions as long as your arm, and I’ve helped him out of a hole more times than I can count. That’s leverage, right there. I’ve been sitting on it for years, saving it for when I really needed, but now my chickens have come home to roost. You’re welcome.”

“Are you nuts?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

“Nope. It’s very much a real question. You know I’m not doing this internship, right?”

“Why not? There are people out there who would jump at the opportunity.”

“Well they’re welcome to it. I’ll be the one doing a real job and earning actual money, so that I can eat, pay bills, and get healthcare.”

“What if I told you that you could do all that and complete the internship?”

“I’d tell you to put down the pipe and stop talking shit.”

“It’s not shit. You know who Tom Williams is, right?”

“You mean apart from the father of one of your frat-boy friends, and fellow member of your creepy ‘secret’ society? Yes, I’m aware of his professional reputation. I study law, remember? I’d need to have been under a rock not to know.”

“Okay, so you know that this is an opportunity you can’t afford to pass up.”

“Nope. I know that this is a crooked deal, but even if it isn’t, I can’t afford to take it up. I have no idea what you’re playing at, but you can stop. Can we leave?”

“Leave? Why the hell would we? The night is still young, and by far, the best this event has to offer is yet to come.”

I didn’t have a first clue what all his cryptic shit was referring to. All I knew was that the touch of his hand on my back as we chatted faux casually within earshot a whole bunch of people I wouldn’t remember in the morning was searingly hot, as though he was branding me as his.

I couldn’t deny that the chemistry between us had somewhat escalated, nor could I ignore the fact that I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted any guy I’d ever been with, but I was determined to resist. The only thing in my life I was as staunchly committed to, was the court case.

Smiling widely, and pretending to give a fuck about the raft of rich people Drew paraded me in front of, got old really fast. I felt like a trophy wife, or worse still, some kind of ‘exotic’ zoo animal, or circus freak.

It was true that with my cropped platinum hair, nose ring, and revealing outfit, I stood out among the raft of well-bred, waspish girls who looked like carbon copies of each other. I was pretty sure that some of the people who’d come to say hi had only done so in order to be able to say that they’d met a real-life Latina, or someone from The Bronx.

“Fuck this shit, I’m leaving.” I hissed the words from the corner of my mouth while maintaining the fake smile I’d been rocking for most of the event—except when I was talking to Tom Williams. He was warm, interesting, and funny, and I’d taken to him instantly. He’d gotten the real deal from me.

“You’re not going any-fucking-where.” His hand tightened painfully round my hip.

“You don’t get to say what I can and can’t do. Get your hand off me, before I start hollering, and disgracing you in public, making a huge scene in front of all these very fancy people.”

“Hahahaha!” His laugh was a bitter cackle, his head thrown back as the noise leaked out of him. When he was done, he lowered his mouth to my ear.

“Do you think I give a fuck about what any of these assholes think? I literally couldn’t care less. We’re here for a very specific reason, and if you leave before I get what I came for, I swear to God, I’ll make you and your father homeless tonight. Like right now. Bags on the street, the full nine.” His voice was a low growl, filled with so much menace that a chill ran through my body.

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