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I thinka murder scene would be livelier than what I walk into downstairs.

The house is empty, except for the guys. I don’t know how that happened, since the party was raging just a half hour ago. Cups are left half empty, scattered on the floor. Plates with half-finished food are stacked in the kitchen. I spot a purse, makeup spilling out from the black leather like blood from a wound, on the floor near Henry’s feet.

And Henry’s face is almost too much to bear. It’s anger, disappointment, sadness, and betrayal of the most horrifying kind. There’s a pair of gloves on the coffee table, cigarettes spilled into the ashtray, and the television is tuned into some basketball game but it’s left on mute.

“We never wanted this to happen,” Aiden is saying. “None of us. You know that.”

Henry just shakes his head. He doesn’t even look at me. Maybe he can’t.

James frowns in my direction. He’s standing toward the back of the room, arms crossed. Daniel is flipping a knife open and closed, open and closed, standing next to him. Aiden is sitting across from Henry, leaning forward, hands open in a pleading posture. Ryan is in the kitchen, staring at Henry, and Carter is standing behind the couch, near Aiden.

I stop by the steps and watch the guys. I can feel the tension rising in the room.

“We wanted this to be what you wanted,” Aiden says. “You know, a good time. And then Emily showed up, and…”

“And you all thought it was a good idea to fuck my sister?” Henry’s words are ice and spite.

I bite my tongue. It hurts, but it keeps me from running away. I have to stay here and bear this. I know I deserve it, since so much good has happened to me since coming to this house. These guys are incredible and have made me feel so good, so much better than I ever thought I could, and now I’m getting what I really deserve. The misery of it, the anger.

Aiden shakes his head. “It wasn’t like that.”

“But it is.” Henry’s eyes snap up. “Isn’t it?” He looks around the room. “All of you, right?”

Aiden doesn’t deny it. “That came later,” he says. “It was innocent at first, I mean, I thought it was, maybe we kissed, and now—“

“And now you’re all fucking her. All of my five closest friends are fucking my sister, when I expressly told you all not to.” He shakes his head, at a loss. “How does that even fucking work? How sick is that?”

“It’s not sick,” Carter says.

“Fuck you, Carter.” Henry glares at him then turns back to Aiden. “Go ahead, explain it.”

“I don’t know how it works,” Aiden admits. “We all like her… I think we all like her a lot, enough that it makes it somehow not strange for all of us to… share her.”

Henry stands up at that. “Share her?” He turns away from Aiden, walking back toward the windows overlooking the ocean. “Fucking hell, you’re sharing her. What the fuck is happening in my house?”

“Henry man, it’s not some sordid fucking shit.” Daniel flips his knife closed, moving nearer. “It’s not wrong.”

“It’s not wrong,” Ryan echoes from the kitchen.

“How the fuck isn’t it wrong?” Henry turns and faces them again. “Five guys can’t just…. share one woman.”

“It’s more like she’s sharing us,” Aiden says softly. “Honestly, Henry. It’s all her choice.”

“She has the power,” Carter agrees.

That’s a strange thing to hear, but I think I’ve known it from the start. These guys are all gorgeous, way out of my league, and yet they all seem to eat from the palm of my hand. I don’t know how it happened. I know I have the control in this relationship and I could have said no at any point, and it would have been okay. Or I could have demanded more from them, and they all would have done exactly what I said.

It feels good, hearing Carter say that, but it also terrifies me.

“Does that make it better?” Henry asks. “So she has the power, which is fucking weirder. I mean, you guys? All stumbling over yourselves for what, my sister?”

“You don’t see her clearly,” James says simply.

“I don’t see you fucking snakes clearly,” Henry snaps, getting angry.

I want to turn and run so badly it almost hurts, but I know I have to witness this. I have to face him eventually.

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