Page 56 of Their Cursed Wolves

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He puts his arm around my chair and moves closer to me, whispering in my ear. “I’m ready to go upstairs whenever you are.”

Whenever. I. Am.

How about never?



Tara looks amazing seated next to me in a deep golden dress with a black bodice and a low neckline. My gaze has constantly been sweeping over her hourglass figure, lingering on all the parts of her I want to touch. She is without a doubt the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, which is surprising. I never thought I’d be drawn to someone so… tiny. She’s fucking delicate.

Beautiful and delicate. It’s a surprising combination.

I want to touch her. That’s been the only thing running through my mind from the first moment I set eyes on her outside the castle. But when we’d wed and she’d taken my hand, she’d been shaking.


I never imagined my bride might be scared to marry me. Or unhappy. The notion dashed away some of my eagerness, and I tried to work my hardest to get to know her. To ease her fears.

Even hardened soldiers find a bear of my size intimidating. It’s no wonder a little bumblebee like her might see just my size. But I’ll show her. I’ll show her that she’ll never have anything to fear from me. I was telling her the truth when I told her that we’d have a happy marriage.

No, this isn’t how I intended to marry, but I’m determined I’ll love her so much that she’ll have to love me back. I’ll give her no other choice, because my children will be born into a marriage of happiness and love. I simply have to keep the faith that I can win her over.

I’m happy there was a way to work with the wolves instead of warring with them. A way to join the alliance before they fought against us.

The truth is, we wouldn’t survive an attack by both the wolves and the witches. Not only do we have smaller numbers – that’s just the way of the bears –but we’re too weak from the Illness. The same one that seems to be ravaging us more than the wolves. We needed a solution, and it was lucky that it meant marrying a beautiful witch.

Too much is riding on our alliance, on this marriage to sweet Tara.

I turn to her, hoping to find solace in her eyes or even a glimmer of the playful conversation we had earlier, but I only see fear and trepidation in her eyes. She’s pale and trembling, and it makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong even though I know deep down that this is the only course of action to ensure our survival.

This doesn't feel like a wedding night though.

But even so, I’m consummating this marriage tonight. I have to in order to solidify the alliance, all feelings aside. Luckily for my bumblebee, I’m a talented man in the bedroom. She’ll have no complaints.

“Do you wish for another drink before we go?” I ask her softly.

She shakes her head, looking pale, and my smile wavers.

I wish I could tell her we could wait to get to know each other, but that’s not an option. Marriages based on alliances have to be consummated. Otherwise, after these wolves get what they want, they could toss me to the… well, wolves.

My gaze moves to her again and lingers. “Food?”

Again, she shakes her head, and her dark head of hair moves like a waterfall down her shoulders. It’s impossible not to notice as her hair flows over her breasts. And once I notice that, I’m glued to the way her chest rises and falls with each rapid breath. Despite the scars, which some asshole bear gave her, her chest is damn near mesmerizing.

Truth be told, I can’t wait for her to open each clasp on her dress and reveal herself to me. I’ve fantasized about it since I first laid eyes on her. She’ll warm up to the idea because I’ll be gentle and patient with her.

If only this fucking dinner would end.

After a bit more mindless conversation that I have absolutely no interest in, I stand and take Tara’s hand. Looking at the men around me, I smile. “It’s been a beautiful evening, but my wife and I will be retiring for the night.”

Tara stands slowly beside me. There’s no change in her fearful expression, and I wonder what she fears. I’ve been the ultimate gentleman with her… for the few hours I’ve known her. Maybe it’s because I’m so big. I can understand that kind of fear.

The tension in the air could suffocate even the mightiest warrior. Everyone’s eyes are on us, especially the wolf princes’. One bear hoots his approval, and the atmosphere shifts. Soon enough, all of the bears are hooting and shouting well wishes for our first night together. The princes, however, remain unmoved, scowling. Prince Drogo, as usual, is baring his teeth. Angry bastard. I don’t know what his deal is.

Except maybe that I’ve stolen his wife.

As we pass the bears, they cheer even louder, their bellowing laughter drowning out the wolves’ growls. Their excitement and chatter are like a joyful storm, and it definitely loosens the tension I’m feeling. This is supposed to be a joyous moment for us. Tara’s breathtaking in her dress, and I wish we could just focus on the two of us instead of having the survival of all the shifters weighing on both of our shoulders.

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