Page 55 of Their Cursed Wolves

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His eyes widened. “You were attacked by a bear shifter?”

I nod.

Prince Drogo glares. “We sent the body back as a warning to your people.”

Garrick swears. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t… home to hear about the bear, so this is all news to me. I may be a prince, but I’m not in control of all my people.”

It feels strange that he’s apologizing. “It’s not your fault.”

“Are you telling us you didn’t send an assassin?” Prince Drogo demands.

Garrick gives him a dark look. “Bears are powerful enough that they don’t have to engage in cowardly activities.”

Prince Drogo snorts and digs into his food.

Garrick’s lips curl up. “I’m impressed. My wife can fight.”

Is he? He actually looks impressed.

“Well, to be fair, Prince Rinan was with me at the time. If he wasn’t, I don’t think I could have handled the bear on my own.”

“One wolf and a witch?” he asks with a cock of his eyebrow. “That’s still impressive to take down a bear.”

An awkward moment passes before Prince Rinan asks, “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”

Garrick and I turn our attention to him. I know we’re headed for the mountain the water comes from, but that’s all I know. I’ll feel better with more information.

Prince Arlys lifts his voice, so the whole table can hear us. “We’ll head out before sunrise.” He pauses and glances toward the bears. “Our party may have gotten bigger, but at least now it won’t have to be a covert journey.”

Then Prince Rinan adds, “And this will be a peaceful trip. All of us have the same goal. We’ll keep that in mind.”

Prince Drogo tears into a turkey leg and speaks around his food. “Plus, there’s our whole exciting alliance to remember.” And his voice only drips a little with sarcasm.

“And maybe if things go well, I can explore bear territory during my travels,” Lady Scarlet adds.

Garrick smiles. “Word has been sent to the bears that peace has been established between our people. You should be safe to travel wherever you wish in our lands.”

“Or maybe wait until peace is a little more established and let us focus on our mission,” Prince Arlys tells her with a protective note to his voice.

She lifts a brow, but says nothing more.

A few bear shifters add to the discussion, telling them where they should start and what route to take. The conversation is tense, but not nearly as tense as I would have expected it to be after seeing how much the bears and wolves hate each other.

That bodes well for the trip.

“We should get to bed soon,” one of the men near us says, followed by a yawn.

Bed? Bed sounds…

And then I remember what bed will entail tonight and I feel the blood rush from my face. Unless the bear shifters are as strange as the wolf shifters, sex is required the first night of a marriage. Every royal knows that. I can feel how big the man next to me is. He towers over me, even while sitting.

And my first time is supposed to be taking a dick the size of a sword? Does that even work? Will my vagina open up like uncooked dough, stretching to take anything that’s thrown at it?

I glance at the wolves, certain that after their “devotion” to keeping me a virgin, they won’t allow this to happen, but all of them are glaring down at their food, which makes me think this is going to happen. At least it seems like I won’t have to share a bed with all of them today.

Garrick focuses on me. “It is getting late.”

I know what he wants, and I’m terrified. Absolutely terrified.

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