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Betsy jumped out of the limo as soon as it slid to a stop, but her vague and admittedly silly plans of escape were immediately thwarted when the very source of her embarrassment insisted on accompanying her.

"You could just wait in the car," she ventured hopefully.

"I could," her billionaire husband acknowledged as he slowed down to match his long-legged pace with hers. "But I prefer otherwise."

And so it came to be, with Betsy ending up walking by her husband's side, and while she wished she could just savor the reality of being Lukas' wife—-

I can't believe I'm married to him!

—-this proved impossible since every step Betsy took was a tortuous reminder that she was in public sans her underwear, and making things a thousand times worse was how everyone they walked past ended up staring.

And why wouldn't they, Betsy thought ruefully. Aside from the fact that she was still in her wedding gown, Lukas in his dashing white tux was also literally causing traffic because of his sheer gorgeousness.

Betsy tried not to squirm when a lucky photographer passing by immediately snapped photos of her and Lukas. That she hadn't anything under her gown shouldn't be obvious. Right?

D's daycare was already up ahead, and Betsy determinedly pushed all such worries aside.

Elsa from 6/F had recommended the place for its "impeccable" understanding of what rich families needed, and Betsy realized this was true when the reception staff behind the granite counter greeted them as if it was completely normal for mothers to pick their children up in their wedding gowns.

"Welcome back, Ms. Lark."

Lukas curled an arm around his wife's waist upon hearing this. "It's Mrs. Tsaldaris now."

The other woman smiled. "My sincerest apologies, and our warmest congratulations to both of you, Mr. and Mrs. Tsaldaris."

Betsy couldn't help flushing with pleasure. "T-Thanks." It still felt surreal to hear people refer to her as Lukas' wife.

The staff led them to a private waiting room while another attendant went to check if D was already up from his nap. Betsy turned to Lukas when they were alone, but her husband beat her to speaking.

"I think they know," he said abruptly.

"Know what?"

"About what you're not wearing."

Betsy's mind went blank with panic, and she was about to start hyperventilating when she caught sight of Lukas' gleaming dark eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you you're mean?" Betsy cried out.

"Not to my knowledge."

"Yeah right!"

"I've been called 'evil', 'ruthless', and a 'heartless' bastard—-"

He had to be joking. Right?

"But 'mean'? Not that I recall."

Betsy bit her lip hard. He had to be playing with her sympathies. Right?

Silence stretched between them.

Oh no.

What if he hadn't been lying? What if it was the truth? How could those people be so, well, mean?

Lukas' lips pressed together in a straight line when his wife started shifting on her feet in obvious discomfort.

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