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“Where am I?” Gwen asked, as if the answer were on the tip of her tongue. “What is this place?”

“Home,” they all three told her.


“You’re the Star of Umbra,” Nor told her.

“Behind you lies the Celestial Sea,” Sága added.

“Baffling,” Eris threw out with a mischievous smile.

Gwen turned to face the Sea behind her. The starlight over its surface didn’t reflect from above, but below. It all came back to her as she listened to the waves. Her heart swelled as she heard its call.


The three Celestial Stars of Umbra, Aether, and Terra had been plucked from the Celestial Sea by the ancients of Elfamé, the realm of faeries and elves. The three stars were eventually taken into the realm of man by the elder fae who settled there. It was ancient history, long forgotten by those who lived in the mortal realm now. Even the existence of Elfamé was only spoken of in legend.

Gwen had been away for so long she’d nearly forgotten.

The forest stirred. The whispers of the great tree of Moldorn inviting her back into the fold. This was where she belonged, where she’d always belonged.

“I can come home?” she asked with a stuttered breath.

“Yes,” one of them said behind her.

“If you wish it.”

Nor, Sága, and Eris were the three sisters who surveyed the mortal realm held within the roots of Moldorn. It was their weaving that kept the balance. It was the magick of all the Weavers that kept the dark things of the Abyss beyond Moldorn from consuming them all.

Gwen took a step closer to the Sea and stopped. She wanted to return. With nearly the whole of her being, she wished for it. But something else tugged at her. Someone she’d left behind.

She turned to face the sisters again. “Why did you let this happen?”

“We didn’t,” Sága told her.

“This path was not foreseen,” Nor added.

Gwen held out her hands and let the shadows flow over them. “How? How did I become this?” How had she become flesh and bone and blood?

“A mage,” Eris replied with clear amusement. “A descendent of the Dökk. He tried to consume your power but failed.”

“The spell was ancient magick, far beyond what he knew,” Nor elaborated.

“Others were coming, and he did not want to lose you,” Sága added. “So he hid you away in a child of his bloodline. A Daughter of Darkness and Shadows. He died before he could retrieve you.”

It seemed impossible, but she felt the truth in it. She was both the Star and Gwendolyn Moore.

Gwen let out a deep breath and looked over her shoulder to the sea. Once she’d become mortal, the Weavers had let her live as any other creature. Only there was one part she could not understand.

“The dreams? Were they your doing?” she asked.

“No,” Nor told her.

“Then how did I dream of him?” she pressed. “How could I have known?”

“You’re mortal but still a Star,” Eris snarked.

The other two women glared at their purple-haired sister in warning. She shrugged, silently telling them they knew she was right.

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