Page 27 of Puck Me Already

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I didn’t even have a chance to drop my purse onto a barstool before a staff member came up with a cart full of axes. He gave us the safety spiel and instructions on how to throw axes. Spencer wrapped his arms around my waist, and I just leaned back. Carter was in the same position, but he rested his head on Siobhan's.

It seemed pretty straightforward. The guy held two axes with the wooden end out toward me and Siobhan. We both took them. It was lighter than I expected. I looked at Siobhan to see if she was going to step up first, but she seemed a little timid.

I went to the red line and got into the ready position. Spencer looked over at Carter. "You two are so going down."

It didn't need to be so damn competitive all the time, but that was Carter and Spence. The funny thing was, until Carter met Spence, Carter never had anyone who could keep up and really challenge him. Spence, in many ways, kept Carter from getting a big head.

"No way in hell. Besides, we already talked about this." Carter said as he reached for something out of the cooler. "So we got Moscow mules, lemon drops, and Athletic Beers. Who wants what?"

Siobhan snorted. "Isn't Athletic Beer alcohol-free? What's the point?"

"No DUIs, fewer calories, and no hangovers, best thing for the fellas. Which ones did you get?" Spencer asked with a smile.

I couldn't keep holding the ax, so I tossed it, and it stuck to the border of the target. I was pleased with the effort since I was sure I would miss it all together since the axe was so much larger than a dart.

Spence whooped at the fact that I was on the board.

Carter said, "I brought the IPA and the First Ride since I know you like the dark shit."

Carter was already tossing Spencer a can of beer. I looked toward Carter. "Moscow Mule would be nice."

Carter pulled out two more cans from the cooler. He must have known about Siobhan's order. She tossed the ax at the target, but it didn't sail tried and true; instead, it bounced off the side wall and onto the ground.

She turned around to face Carter with a sheepish look. "Sorry, baby."

Spencer grinned like the Cheshire cat. Her not getting points would definitely help our cause to win. He grabbed an ax and chucked it. Of course, he got the first bullseye. As he came back, he grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss.

As he pulled back, I said, "Congrats."

Carter sighed. I thought he was complaining about seeing me get kissed, but his hands were in that follow-through position, and there was a new ax sticking next to mine. It was well outside of the bullseye range.

It was so damn refreshing that we could do a real double date where he wasn’t upset that I was getting kissed or that things were going well in front of him and instead wanted to win the damn competition.

Chapter 28


“Spence, Deuce, you’re coming with me tonight,” Scuba shouted as he got out of the elevator.

He was in high spirits tonight. Granted, the little fucker got a hattrick and pulled out the win practically on his own.

My own game pretty much sucked. I wasn’t focused, and my passes weren’t there. Only thing that I did well was some checks that opened up the shooting lanes for Scuba.

Before going into my room at the hotel, I asked, “What about Carmie?”

“He’s invited too, but he shot me down. Apparently, he’s doing a virtual date night with Shiv.”

That bastard. Granted, Siobhan’s shooting schedule had been a real bitch lately, and he hadn’t had many date nights.

It also made me miss Natalie so much. Maybe I should stay in and do a call with her. But she’d already asked me not to bug her tonight since she needed to do some work.

I couldn’t help myself. I texted Nat.

Missing you big time. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow evening.

I expected to hear something right away since Natalie was always responding to messages on her phone. Okay, guys like Scuba would sit unread for a little bit, but it didn’t even show that she read my message yet.

That freaked me out.

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