Page 13 of Puck Me Already

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I wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl, but it wasn't right. Instead, I tried to be cool and reserved.

"Seriously? I wasn't even sure you wanted me until you texted, and even the rest of the dinner, you were still pretty relaxed. I'm willing to wait until Carter moves out, but I refuse to be a secret girlfriend."

Chapter 13


It started with a kiss. It was only a kiss.

Yup, it was like the Mr. Brightside song but without the cheating. Normally, I was jealous of even the thought of Natalie kissing anyone.

The ironic thing was Carter started calling me Mr. Brightside when he realized that I was pining over someone who was always dating someone else. Thankfully, my teammates thought that the nickname came from the fact from my "cheerful" disposition while I was on the ice.

I wanted to take off her dress so badly, but we were in a car in the middle of downtown. Not even sure which Carmie would kill me first if I tried to unzip her dress right now.

Probably my sweet Natalie.

Hell, she already was laying down the law about not hiding our relationship.

Instead of answering her, I captured her lips and pulled her as close to me as possible. If it wasn't for the stupid console keeping some distance, I would have pulled her into my lap.

When a car honked its horn, it forced us to separate. I stepped on the gas and didn't even look at Natalie.

"This might make me a douche, but do we have to label anything tonight?"

Natalie laughed and said, "If you want to get invited over to my place and have the chance to take off the blouse that you've been side-eying since I got into the car, you're going to put a label on us."

Damn, she had to open up the possibility of going back to her place and taking off the red wraparound blouse. Her place was the only real option since we both knew that Siobhan and Carter were going back to mine to bang. I also didn’t really like the idea of him knowing what I was doing to his little sister.

He would still know what we were doing at her place if I didn't come home, but it would be less obvious.

I looked at the road ahead as I weighed out the options.

I couldn't honestly remember the last time I even used the label. There was the occasional fling with a jersey chaser, but that was so different from what Natalie wanted and really deserved.

"I've had a crush on you forever. But I don't want to rush things and screw it up."

I hoped that was enough to please Natalie, but I was scared of looking at her. I didn't want to break her heart or let her down.

Despite knowing the turn to her place was up ahead, I stayed straight to head to Jokers. I hadn’t given her what she wanted.

"You're going to miss the turn," Natalie said as if I didn't know the address to her place.

"I didn't think we were going to your place, but now that you said something." I chuckled as I slammed on the turn signal and moved into the righthand lane.

Thankfully, her place was only a short drive. Her condo was adorable. I missed the place in a way, but she would never know about the true levels of debauchery her brother and I had there.

Okay, she did know some details of it since she forced me to pay for a deep cleaning of the place before she signed the lease after hearing about an orgy I hosted there.

Yes, she bought the place off of Carter the moment he signed his big contract in his fifth year in the league, and yes, we were roommates even then. Granted, I was still trying to crack the code for my way into the league and needed to save every penny since I never knew how long my call-up would be for. Thankfully, that was the year I figured it out. I needed to be that Swiss army knife for the Legacy: willing to fight, be a top-six guy, or check my ass off as a bottom-six guy.

I pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. I looked at Natalie, hoping that I hadn't imagined the last twenty minutes.

"What are you looking at, and why aren't you kissing me?"

I leaned over. I nearly captured her lips once more, but instead, I leaned over and whispered, "Because I have other plans for you. Get your keys out."

Instead of doing what I wanted, she did something even better. The garage door opened, which only quickened my heartbeat.

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