Page 187 of Daddy's Soul

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Reaching over, he drew her against his chest. “Nice try, baby.” Then he slapped her ass twice before walking out of the room.

Huh. Rude.

But Faith wasn’t going to complain. She was getting two cookies.

“Now, Petal. I think we need to put a diaper on you and your pajamas.” She moved over to the accessories that they’d bought for the doll.

She was attempting to tighten the diaper up when Reuben returned with the cookies and milk. “Daddy, this diaper won’t go on properly. It’s not very sticky.”

“Let Daddy try.” He sat next to her and took hold of Petal.

“Petal needs to go to bed. She’s very, very tired.” Faith yawned as she took a cookie and bit into it.

“Sounds like another Little girl I know.”

“Idon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout,” she mumbled around another big mouthful of cookie.

“Uh-uh, Little girls need to use their manners. Did you say thank you for the cookie?”

“Um. Thank you, Daddy,” she said after swallowing.

“That’s better and no more talking with your mouth full.”

“Okay, Daddy.” She took another bite of cookie as he held up Petal who was now diapered.

“Daddy! You did it! How did you learn to diaper a dolly?”

“Us Daddy’s just have skills.”

She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “I guess you do.” A sad sigh left her. “It’s getting late and I need to go home.”

“No.” He tightened his hold on her.

Yeah, she’d known this wouldn’t go down well.

“I have to. I have to go to work in the morning and my boss is a real tyrant if I’m late. So I need to go home and get some sleep and make sure I have clean clothes and underwear.”

“Your boss thinks you should go to work with no underwear.”

“No. That doesn’t sound like something he would say. Or maybe it’s the way you’re saying it. You need to scowl and say it in a really grouchy way. ‘Faith! Get your ass to work tomorrow minus the panties! Or you’re fired!’”

“I do not sound like that.”

“Uh-huh, you totally do. I am the bestest at boss impressions.”

“You made me sound like SpongeBob SquarePants’ boss. The grouchy dude.”

“Oh. My. God.” She gaped at him. “That’s it! That’s who you remind me of. You’re Squidward!” She clapped her hands. “Oh, that’s been bothering me for ages. Now, I know.”

“I know that you’re a brat who still owes me lines and needs another spanking for calling me Squidward!”

Standing, she laughed. “No, Daddy! No!”

He stood and reached for her. She barely managed to dive away with a squeal.

“Come back here!” he demanded.

“No, Squidward! You won’t catch me! I’m the Gingerbread man!”

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