Page 108 of Daddy's Soul

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Reuben scowled. “So?”

“So, Cammie spent two hours on my hair and makeup, I bought a new dress, and Cat is expecting me. I don’t want to disappoint Cat.”

That part was true. Cat had started blowing up her phone with ideas for pranks, cute memes, and photos of bread and butter. The last bit was . . . odd. But she went with it. Who didn’t like bread and butter?

“She’ll get over it,” he dismissed. “And that award means nothing. I donated money. Big deal.”

But it was. Because that money was helping sick kids. And it was proof that he had a softer side. Somewhere. Deep down.

“She won’t . . . she really won’t. And it is a big deal. We have to go.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “But you’ll stay by my side the entire time. And if anyone looks at you too long, I will ruin them.”

Another shiver of pleasure.

What was wrong with her? Seriously. She was a good girl from a small country setting. She never even went over the speed limit. Barely ever cursed.

And yet she got pleasure at the idea that he was going to ruin someone for looking at her for too long.

There was something broken inside her.

“Are you ready to go, then?” He sounded grouchy, but she didn’t take offense. That was just how he was.

Like her Grandpa Jake. Grouchy on the outside. And slightly less grouchy on the inside.

“I’m ready.” She turned and hugged Cammie. “Thanks for all your help.”

“Of course.” Cammie gave her a sad-looking smile. “You really look amazing. Have a great night.” She leaned in to whisper. “He’s scary. But he looks at you like you’re a candy buffet and he’s on a no-sugar diet.”

Faith scoffed. But she was secretly happy at her words.

As she stepped outside, he took her hand. Then he paused and glanced down at her. “Where is your jacket?”

“Oh, um, the only jacket I have doesn’t really go with this outfit.”

“You have . . . one jacket?” He was gaping at her like he didn’t understand what she was saying.

“Yes. One jacket. And it’s not formal.”

“Did I not give you my credit card to get whatever you needed?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I could buy a new jacket.” She’d already felt like she was taking advantage of him when she’d used his card to buy her dress.

“That’s exactly what it meant,” he grumbled at her. He turned back to where Cammie still watched them. “Do you have a jacket she can wear?”

Cammie jolted, then nodded. “Yep. Uh-huh. Let me find it.” She disappeared into her bedroom.

“We should just go,” she said. “I’m fine. It’s not even that cold.”

“It’s her jacket or mine,” he told her.

Okay, then. She didn’t mind wearing his jacket, but it didn’t exactly go with her dress.

Reuben glanced down at her. “Why didn’t you ask her for a jacket?”

That was a question she didn’t really want to answer. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. “I don’t like to ask other people for things.”

It was the truth. But she really didn’t like to ask Cammie for anything more when she’d done so much.

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