Page 69 of The SEAL's Runaway

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“Our pleasure. And please call me Sophie.” Sophie released her and stepped back. “This old bear is my husband, Ty.”

Caleb’s dad stepped into the gap and engulfed her in a brief bear hug. “Welcome. We are delighted to meet you, the woman who makes our son so happy.”

“Well, he makes me happy too.” She glanced up at Caleb, knowing one thing. Loving this man was easy.

Sophie tucked one arm through Grace’s. “Come, let’s get you something to eat. You must be starving after the long drive up here.”

Sophie led her to the table that dominated the backyard. The scrubbed wood groaned under the weight of brightly colored bowls of salad, crusty bread, and checkered napkins. Wyatt was already there, slicing steak from a wooden platter.

“Grace.” For all of his taciturn appearance, there was genuine warmth in his greeting.

“Hi Wyatt.”

He set the steak down and came over and kissed her on both cheeks. “I heard from Caleb about the sentencing. That’s great news.”

“Yes, it is.” A life sentence had been lifted from her shoulders.

“You look good. That brother of mine looking after you?”

Grace glanced over her shoulder to where Caleb was chatting with his father. As if sensing her gaze, Caleb caught her eye and winked. A small, intimate moment shared between the two of them. A flutter of happiness danced in her stomach, and she turned back to Wyatt with a contented smile. “He is. You don’t need to worry about him.”

She tuned her attention back to the tempting spread of food. “Wow, this is impressive.”

Sophie’s face lit up. “Just a BBQ with a few dishes from home.”

“Try mom’s Smetannik.” Wyatt pointed to a creamy white bowl. “It’s less scary than it sounds.”

“It’s a family recipe. My mother’s.” Sophie’s hands found her hips. “You’re family now, Grace. I’ll have to give you the recipe.”


Grace’s throat constricted with emotion. Her life with Caleb was so much more than just the two of them. It was his family too, and they had welcomed her with open arms, embracing her as one of their own.

Wyatt’s smile was tender as he turned to his mother. “Mom, go sit down. You’ve already cooked enough for an army. You’ve been running around for hours.” His voice held a gentle firmness. “Go sit down, and I’ll bring you a glass of wine.”

Sophie’s brow furrowed. “But Grace is hungry.”

Wyatt placed a reassuring hand on his mother’s shoulder, guiding her toward a bench nestled under the shade of a nearby tree. “Grace can fill her own plate. Sit. I’ll get you a drink.”

As Sophie settled onto the bench, Wyatt turned his attention to Grace, gesturing toward a cooler filled with ice. “Drink?”

“A beer would be lovely, thanks.”

She accepted the beer from Wyatt, the glass misted with condensation.

Wyatt poured wine and took it over to his mother. Evidently, he was a different man around the women he loved.

“Dada. Dada” High pitched baby squeals drew everyone’s attention.

Ryder came around the side of the house, baby Ellie on one arm, an enormous baby change bag slung over the other. His hair was messy, and there was a smear of what appeared to be tomato sauce on his cheek. “Sorry I’m late. Babysitter stood me up at the last minute.”

Sophie was already on her feet, her face lighting up at the sight of her granddaughter. “That is not a problem.” She scooped Ellie from his arms. “Come to grandma, sweetie.”

Ryder dumped the baby change bag on the ground with a relieved sigh and accepted a beer from Wyatt. “I swear, this time I’m hiring a nanny. I’m done with babysitters.”

“Someone young and sexy?” Wyatt’s eyes held a glint.

Ryder barked a laugh and shook his head. “The only woman I have time for in my life is one and half feet tall. That’s more than enough woman for me.” He chinked his bottle with Caleb.

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