Page 68 of The SEAL's Runaway

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“Open it.”

“Okay.” With trembling fingers, she opened the case. “Caleb. this is…this is gorgeous.” She lifted out the diamond solitaire.

He needed to say what was in his heart before he chickened out. “Grace, will you marry me? Let me be there for you when the times are hard. Let me be the one who celebrates with you when things are good. Say you’ll have me, that you’ll spend the rest of your life with me.”

He paused, sucking in a breath as he gauged her reaction. She was silent, sunlight flashing fire within the diamond as she held it between thumb and forefinger. Had he misjudged this? Moved too fast? Did she need more time? “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. It’s too much too soon. The court case has just?—”

Grace shook her head, silencing his rambling thoughts. “I left him long ago. In my heart, I’ve been alone for years.” She slid the ring onto her finger.

His heart raced faster than he thought possible. “Does that mean?—”

“It means yes. Now come here and kiss me.”


Grace let her fingers drift in the warm summer air out of the car window as Caleb drove them to his parents’ house. The road grew steeper, and they swung back and forth in tighter and tighter loops as they climbed higher up the mountain. The scent of pine drifted through the open window. She still couldn’t quite believe she was going to live in this gorgeous wilderness with the man she loved.

A swarm of butterflies fluttered their wings in her belly in nervous anticipation. This would be her first time meeting Caleb’s parents, Sophie, and Tyler Meyer. She wanted to make a good impression, to show them she was worthy of their son’s love and the place she would soon hold in their family.

Sunlight flashed in the diamond solitaire she wore, casting tiny rainbows across her skin. She would be their new daughter-in-law, after all.

“Almost there.” Caleb’s voice broke through her thoughts, and he reached across the center console to give her knee a reassuring squeeze. “You good?”

“I’m good.” She sounded steadier than she felt, but she drew strength from Caleb’s presence beside her.

A smile lit up his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the way she loved so much. “You have nothing to worry about. Just be yourself, and you’ll blow them out of the water.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “You make it sound so easy.”

His hand cupped her knee. “With you, it is. Hang on, here we go.” He turned the truck off the smooth blacktop and onto a gravel track that wound its way through the trees, the tires crunching over the loose stones.

As they rounded the last bend, a small wooden house came into view. It was a modest two-story building, the wooden shutters painted powder blue. White trim and a wraparound porch completed the picture, along with a swing seat piled with cushions. Her heart skipped a beat as she imagined sitting on that porch with Caleb, watching the sunset paint the sky.

He cut the engine, and the chirping of birds in the surrounding trees broke the sudden silence. Beside the beaten SUV parked closest to the house, Grace recognized Wyatt’s sleek T8.

Caleb turned to face her, his eyes earnest. “If I love you, my mom and dad will love you. I promise. Besides, you’ll love them. They’re great, even if my mom still hasn’t given up on that motherly need to know every detail of my life.” He grinned, and Grace couldn’t help but smile back, feeling some of the tension ease from her shoulders.

He helped her down from his truck, his hands guiding her with a gentle touch. The aroma of sizzling burgers wafted in the air and Grace’s mouth watered. “Smells delicious.”

“Come on.” Caleb’s fingers laced with hers as he guided her through a side gate to the rear of the property.

As they rounded the corner, bright bunting fluttered from the rear of the house. An older couple stepped forward to greet them. There was no doubting that these were Caleb’s parents. Grace saw the same quiet strength in the way his father held himself, and the same intelligent eyes in his mother’s smiling face.

“Caleb, you came, and finally brought your zhenikh.” His mother took hold of Grace’s hands.

Grace glanced at Caleb, while making a mental note to learn some Russian. What?

He mouthed fiancée.

Ah. A warm glow of happiness spread through her chest.

Sophie kissed her on both cheeks. “My, you chose a pretty one, Caleb, and smart too, from what I wheedled out of Brad.”

Caleb rolled his eyes as his dad hugged him. “Mom, you can’t say that.”

Sophie made a dismissive gesture, waving off her son’s objection. “Grace, it is such a pleasure to meet you and welcome you to our family. Caleb has been keeping you far too much to himself.”

Warmth rushed Grace at the sincerity of Sophie’s words and she instantly felt at ease. Why had she been so worried about meeting his family? They loved Caleb and so did she. “It’s so lovely to meet you, Mrs. Meyer. Thank you for inviting me.”

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