Page 54 of The Engineer

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No. We don’t.

“I’ll be fine.” Jo adjusted the straps on her backpack in a pretense of calmness.

“We’ve crossed this bridge many times. Really, it’s okay. They renewed the rope only a few years ago.” Sophie patted Jo’s upper arm. “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“I should handle situations like this better,” Jo said with a nervous laugh, the tension skewing her voice. “Especially with me being an investigative journalist—or at least I was before I lost my job.”

“Sometimes life deals us unexpected hands and things happen for a good reason. You just need to work out what the reason is.” Sophie’s gaze flitted to her husband engaged in conversation with Griff. “I lost my job after I discovered Pharmasyn had been experimenting on veterans. They came after me and I almost died. But then there was Ty.”

“He’s lovely.”

“Yes.” Sophie affirmed with a wistful smile. “He really is. He’s my soulmate. I’ve been blessed to share my life with him.”

Jo took a slow sip of water, watching Griff heft his pack. “I can’t picture having something that profound.”

“Oh, I thought you and Griff…” Sophie lifted an eyebrow.

Heat flooded Jo’s cheeks. “We’re not... I mean, I barely know him.” She screwed the water bottle closed with clumsy fingers. “He’s this elite operative. And I’m just a no-one who ruined her life chasing ghosts. Now I’m here, risking everything, and I’m not sure I even know why anymore.”She blinked back unexpected tears, emotion clogging her throat. “Sorry, you don’t need my baggage.”

Sophie clasped her hand firmly. “The past can’t define you unless you let it.” Her eyes were knowing. “Ty showed me there’s more to life. Don’t deny yourself that chance.”

Jo swallowed hard, all her emotions careening loose.

Sophie gave a gentle smile. “What do you feel here?” She touched Jo’s chest.

“I want to believe this is real. That we could have a future.” Saying it aloud both thrilled and terrified her.

Sophie nodded. “Then trust that. Speak to him. The rest is just noise.”

* * *

Jo’s gut twisted as she halted at the precipice’s edge. Before her, the rope bridge swayed precariously over a bone-shattering chasm, the frozen depths swallowed in shadow. She dug her nails into her palms, breaths coming faster.

Wyatt had already crossed with Ty. Griff waited patiently behind her, while Sophie was a few steps ahead on the swaying structure.

“Just follow me, one step at a time,” Sophie called, as she started across the yawning gap. Her eyes radiated calm assurance.


Jo forced her stiff legs forward, her first step onto the creaking bridge threatening to unhinge her terror. Gusts of frigid wind buffeted her body, setting the bridge lurching sickeningly. Don’t look down. She fixed her gaze on Sophie’s back, her steady pace.

Fresh snow skittered over the cliff edge, disappearing into the void. Jo’s throat constricted at the precariousness of it all.

“You’re doing great.” Sophie smiled encouragingly over her shoulder.

Jo slid her hands a few inches across the rough rope.

“Keep going, you’ve got this.” Griff was at her back. She clung to the quiet strength in his voice, willing herself onward in an awkward slide-shuffle, battling the vertigo threatening to engulf her and trying not to imagine the bone-crushing drop on either side.

“You’re doing great. You’re over halfway,” Sophie called out.

The end was in sight now. From the far side, Wyatt and Ty waved her on.

Just a little more...

Gunshot split the air like a clap of thunder. Jo jerked violently, the rope burning her palms. Sophie cried out, her balance momentarily lost and crows erupted from the dense green-black trees, their shrill caws riotous.

“Fuckers.” Griff’s voice was murderous. “Jo. Move.”

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