Page 9 of You Only Need One

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I nod.

“Well then, I think I know your donor.”

“That’s crazy. You have a fucking class with her? What’s she like?” I sit down heavy on the chair across from him. Lately, my body seems to tire out quickly, and when I get tired, I get cranky. I never used to be this weak.

Jasper grins like he’s remembering an inside joke. “Let’s just say, it’s a good thing I know what I’m talking about in that class.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He taps his controller on his chin for a second and then grins. “Okay, so a week ago, the professor gives us a topic to discuss. A few of us give some input. Then, Holly talks, and she’s got a great point, referencing the readings and everything. Then, right after her, this guy, who barely shows up to class anyway, basically repeats what Holly said, except he switches a few words around. Now, most people would just roll their eyes and let it go. But not Holly.” He pauses to chuckle, his gaze unfocused, like he’s watching it all play back.

Suddenly, I’m jealous. Jasper already has stories about this girl, and I’m not sure I’ve said more than ten words to her.

“So, what’d she do?”

“Oh hell, it was great. Holly stands up like she’s about to give a speech and says”—Jasper tries out a higher-pitched voice—“‘Excuse me, but no. We’re not doing this. You read the book, you come up with your own ideas, and you show up to class to talk about them. You do not take my words and pass them off as your own. Do the work; don’t try lying about it. Understood?’ Something like that. And she actually waited until the guy nodded his head!” Jasper is laughing for real now, and I can’t keep from smiling either. “The professor didn’t even know what to do. He just pretended like it hadn’t happened and moved on. But, yeah, don’t mess with Holly. She’s nice though.”

“How so?”

The girl he just described sounds more intimidating than nice.

“She lent me a pen one time when I forgot mine. And I’ve seen her explaining concepts to people when they seem lost. I think she only gets angry when people are being dicks.” Jasper appears thoughtful for a moment and then gives a firm nod. “I think you’ve got a good one. I can’t see Holly backing out of something. If she said she’d give you her kidney, then she meant it.”

The idea of her backing out didn’t even occur to me.

“Cool. That’s cool. So, do you know anything else about her?”

“Like what?” Jasper has his game back on, so I only have half of his attention, if that, which might work to my advantage.

“Uh, I guess other classes she might have? Or who any of her friends are? Does she have a boyfriend?”

Apparently, I’m shit at being subtle.

Jasper pauses his game and turns to fully face me. “You’ve gotta be kidding.”

I avoid his eyes. “Kidding you about what?”

“About what? You’re asking if this girl is off the market. So, tell me, Benny boy, do you have a boner for your donor?”

Jasper cackles at his own joke while I grimace. Partly because that joke is horrible, but also partly because I think he’s right.

“Just forget it.”

Game back on, attention off me. “Yeah, right. And I have no idea. I’ve got one class with her. I don’t know her whole life story.”

“Thanks.” As I head to the stairs, I hear him call after me.

“My marketing class is Thursday morning in Huntsman Hall. Ends at nine a.m. Just FYI.”


The dream always begins the same way.

The door looms tall before me.

I reach up, turn the knob, and push. The hinges squeak as the door swings wide, revealing the dark room beyond. My feet move forward on their own.

Everything in the room is familiar. The worn dresser cluttered with knickknacks and jewelry. The ironing board pushed off into the corner. The large bed with its simple wooden headboard. This is Grams’s room. A place to snuggle for bedtime stories or to find comfort after bad dreams. She should be asleep here, in her bed.

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