Page 8 of You Only Need One

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Ben grins broadly.

My goodness, that’s a smile that could run a car off the road.

“Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

“Obviously, I can’t meet up with you all, being out here in Colorado. But I can give out my phone number. Text me anytime.” That offer comes from Fred, the image on the screen a half-second behind the audio.

After he’s done with his, we all rattle off our phone numbers, including Ben’s parents.

I think it’s sweet that they’re here with him. Our dad tends to keep a relatively hands-off approach to the situation, trusting us to update him on any new developments. Secretly, I think my adoptive father is self-conscious about his lack of a college degree, as if he’d only hold back the discussion by being here. I’d try setting him straight if it wouldn’t embarrass him more. Someone who can disassemble and rebuild a car engine and then rewire an entire house could never be considered uneducated.

“Well, if you’ve no further questions for us, then I think we’re done for today. Fred, you can talk to your doctor about setting up all your pretests in Denver. Holly, you can stop by the front desk to arrange your appointment times.” Dr. Williams ends the videoconference after we wave good-bye and stands to lead us from the room.

We file out, and I head toward the front desk but stop when I feel someone grip my hand.

Mrs. Gerhard lingers and clutches my palm. “Miss Foster—”

“Holly,” I correct her.

Victoria Gerhard lets a smile trace over her serious face. “Holly. I just wanted … I needed …” She huffs out a frustrated sigh, and I get the impression that this is a woman who normally knows exactly what to say. “What you’re doing for my son … thank you.” She gives my hand a soft squeeze before releasing me and hurrying after her departing husband.

I stand still for a moment, recognizing in her a reflection of my own gratitude. If Fred were in this room with us, I would have bruised his ribs from my death-grip hug.

When I go to turn to the desk, I’m stopped again, this time by a gentle brush on my arm. I glance back to see Ben, his cheeks turning faintly red.

Would his skin be hot to the touch if I pressed my fingers there?

Stop thinking about touching the guy’s face. His face is off-limits.

“Sorry about my mom. She can be a bit intense at times, but she means well.”

“Oh no, it’s fine. I totally get it. You’re her son, and she’s just happy that you’re going to be healthy again. And, believe me, having a mom like yours is nothing you should ever be sorry for.”

At his quizzical look, I realize that I’m babbling and tripping close to a topic I don’t even like talking to my brother about. Good time to cut and run.

“Nice meeting you, Ben. I’ll see you around campus.”

“Yeah, see you.”

I hear his response as I briskly walk away, front desk in sight.

Do not look over your shoulder. Do not look over your shoulder.

The internal mantra is useless. When the office door creaks open, my eyes flit toward the sound, finding Ben Gerhard paused in the doorway. As if waiting to get my attention again, he grins and waves, and then he finally walks out of my sight. Marcus sits in a chair by the door, waiting for me to schedule my appointments, so we can head out.

I love spending time with my brother. But, today, there’s a tug of regret that he’s the one I’m leaving this office with instead of a bespectacled man with a propensity for staring.



When I get home from the doctor’s office, only one of my two roommates is around.

“You said Holly Foster? Wait, does she have short brown hair? Cute face? Nice ass?” Jasper asks while his eyes stay locked on the TV. He bought some new video game that’s been taking up an unhealthy amount of his free time.

“Dude, that’s my donor you’re talking about … but yeah. Do you know her?”

He pauses his game, and I’m the lucky receiver of his full attention. “I think she’s the Holly in my digital marketing class. You said she’s an econ major, right?”

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