Page 63 of You Only Need One

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“No, I don’t. At the time, I thought that’s what you were doing but not now.”

The world still seems off-balance, and Holly doesn’t appear settled as she goes to unclip her seat belt. Someone behind us honks.

“Look, I know you have to go. But I feel like you’re mad at me, and I don’t want you to be.” I want her to ache for me the way I do for her.

She’s got a grip on the door handle but pauses. With a shake of her head, she answers, “I’m not mad at you, Ben. We’re good. I’m just …” She hesitates in a very non-Holly way while she brushes her hand down the front of her jacket, which she’s buttoned all the way to her neck.

“You’re just what?” That sick feeling is back in my stomach as I watch her fiddle with the top button of her coat.

“I’m just not excited to go to work after being told I’m dressed like a slut.”

Before I can fully register the meaning of her words, Holly is out of the car.

I practically kick open my door, and I try to catch up with her before she disappears past the hulking bouncer. To get Holly to stop without actually grabbing her, I just jump in front of her, blocking the way.

She stares up at me, befuddled. “What are you doing, Ben? I’m going to be late.”

“You’re beautiful!” It comes out louder than I planned, and the people waiting in line find my display amusing. Chuckles drift from behind my back, but I only have eyes for the woman in front of me. “You’re strong, confident, and sexy as all get-out. Anything you wear looks classy because you elevate it just by being the awesome person you are. She’s jealous. You’re fantastic.” I’m rambling, but it’s working because she’s smiling. “You’re going to run that bar like you always do.” I step forward. Even though I want to sweep her up in my arms and ravage her mouth, I hold back and place a chaste kiss on her forehead instead. “Text me when your shift is over and you get home safe.”

When I go to move back, Holly follows me and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me tight.

“Thanks for a fun night,” she whispers the words against my chest, and the warmth of her breath brushes through my shirt, accompanied by the heat of her soft body pressed against mine.

Keeping it PG, I just rub her back before she releases me.

With a grin and a wink, she pinches my side and skips to the club’s door, calling over her shoulder, “Text ya later!”

If it wasn’t for the jackass laying on his horn and yelling at me to move my goddamn car, I might have stood there, staring after her. Or even followed her in.


Holly: Made it home safe and sound. Sleep tight, Benny.


She texted me at 3:14 a.m. I’d wanted to stay awake long enough to talk to her when she got off work, but past midnight is a no-go zone for me. My body doesn’t function right without enough sleep.

I hope Holly’s busy schedule still gives her time for enough rest. She was probably exhausted when she texted me last night, likely lying in bed when she typed out the message.

And, now, I’m imagining Holly in a bed. More specifically, my bed. Cuddled under the covers next to me. Smiling up at me with her head resting on my pillow. I’d want to do dirty things with her, but I’d hold back. Instead, I’d pull her in close to me and tell her to take a nap. Only after I made sure she was fully rested would I start to kiss her. Trailing my lips over her slim neck, finding out what noises she made when she was aroused.

Now, I’m sporting a partial.

I push the fantasy out of my mind as I get dressed. Time to focus on reality and how I can win over the real Holly.

When I walk downstairs, Jasper is passed out on the living room couch. He didn’t even get around to taking his shoes off before he fell asleep. Seeing him there, totally relaxed as he snores, all my annoyance from last night rushes to the surface.

I creep close, circling around to the back of the sofa, and lean in until I’m right next to his ear. “YOU AWAKE?”

Without waiting for his reaction, I duck behind the couch. Jasper has been known to wake up swinging after a night of binge-drinking.


The couch shakes, and then a thump vibrates the floor.

Standing up, I realize Jasper rolled off the couch. He clutches his head and moans pitifully.

“You’re a vision this lovely morning.” That comment gets thrown over my shoulder as I move into the kitchen, sights set on the teakettle.

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