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With that creepy thought itching over me, I put my finger on the sentence I last tried to read and tilt my head up to view the room.

Immediately, I lock eyes with a guy sitting against the opposite wall.

He’s staring at me, though he does jerk in surprise when I first look at him. But, instead of doing the usual thing where you dramatically glance around, putting on a show that says, Oh no, I wasn’t staring at you. You just happened to catch me as I was looking at everything in the room, the guy keeps on watching me.


I scan my clothes, looking for a giant stain or something else that would make me worth examining. But the crisp linen shirt I ironed this morning is spotless. When I brush my hand across my mouth, I don’t feel any stray crumbs. A quick finger-comb of my hair assures me that nothing is sticking out at a strange angle.

So, what’s this guy’s issue?

Flipping my eyes back to his side of the room, I find him still looking my way, only now he has a half-smile. Like he found my self-examination amusing.

Well, he’s not the only one here who can gawk at strangers.

I place my highlighter down, angle my body toward him, and set to staring.

Then, I make my list.

1. Strawberry-blond hair with a touch of a curl in slight disarray. Probably did that on purpose with styling products.

2. Wire-rimmed glasses sitting on a straight nose, making him look like a young professor. Bet they’re not even prescription.

3. Blue-checkered dress shirt, neatly tucked into corduroy slacks. Preppy much?

4. Can’t tell how tall he is, as he’s sitting down, but I bet he’s obnoxiously tall. Like break my neck to look him in the eye tall.

5. Holding a book. Okay, I guess that’s hot.

6. Overall, too attractive for his own good.

As I reach my conclusion, his half-smile morphs into a full-on smirk.

Now, I’m annoyed. I’m over here, worried about my brother’s health, trying to stay sane during this wait, unable to tell which of these older men is Benjamin Gerhard—the person I’m getting myself cut open for—and Mr. Handsome Face is practically laughing at me.

He wants something to laugh at? I’ll give him something to laugh at.

I start with a fierce glare made to wither even the strongest of men. Then, without warning, I cross my eyes and stick out my tongue like the grown woman I am.

There, that should teach him to stare at strangers.

When my eyes settle back into their proper direction, I’m satisfied to find his mouth has popped open in shock.

Situation handled, I go back to my textbook, prepared to lose myself in the technical writing.

But then the chuckling starts.

With the self-control of an Amazon warrior, I keep my eyes on my book, even as the stranger’s choked laughter fills the room. I comfort myself with the knowledge that everyone else here probably thinks he’s crazy.

“Making new friends?” Marcus’s murmured question has me glancing up at him. Now, he’s the one with a half-smile.

Did he see my immature exchange with the stranger?

He grins and crosses his eyes at me.

Yes. Yes, he did.

“He started it,” I mumble back.

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