Page 19 of You Only Need One

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“See? I told you the coffee was decent.” Roderick holds his Styrofoam cup up and grins at me.

“I’ve had worse.” That’s honestly the best compliment I can give it. Not that I had high expectations. It is hospital coffee after all.

What I’m really surprised by is my agreement to meet Roderick here. A hospital cafeteria is not our usual spot. Normally, it’s his apartment. Specifically, his bedroom.

Roderick works as a resident doctor, and I met him during one of my visits a while back. He’s handsome and nice. He also understands the concept of a no-strings-attached relationship, which is exactly what I want.

Or what I wanted.

Honestly, right now, I’m just searching for a way to get a certain person out of the part of my brain where I keep my spank bank. Ben Gerhard should not be spending time next to Sam Claflin, James McAvoy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Roderick should be there instead. So, when he suggested a coffee get-together during his break, I agreed. I thought normal interaction with the guy I’d been sleeping with might kick my brain back into gear.

No such luck.

“This is nice. Seeing you with your clothes on.”

He gives me a winning smile, but my responding chuckle comes out forced. I didn’t have to force a laugh with Ben.

Stop it. He’s off-limits. No flirty fraternization allowed.

If I’m hoping to get romantic with someone, Roderick is right in front of me, and he’s a willing participant. Time to actually put some effort into this.

“So, how’s life?”

Wow. What a stimulating question. I should be a moderator at a political debate.

Roderick doesn’t seem to mind. “Busy. But that’s the life of a doctor. Still have a good portion of my residency left, but they all love me here.”

He grins and winks at me, and I try for a genuine smile.

“Well, that’s good.” I sip my coffee and wonder where my ability to come up with conversation went. Things flowed so easily yesterday with Ben.

No, this is not Ben time. This is Roderick time.

“Any interesting patients lately?” There, that’s decent.

“Of course. Loads of them. This one woman had pus—”

Nope. My brain shuts down at that word, and I check out for the rest of his story. I’m tempted to ask him if there’s a broom closet we could make out in. Not because I’m particularly turned on at the moment. I just don’t want to have to talk to him anymore, and that’s my go-to solution for occupying his mouth.

“So, Holly”—my name has me focusing back on him—“I was thinking that, sometime—”

His beeper cuts him off, and I praise the universe for the quick save. Roderick grimaces when he glances at it.

“Sounds like someone needs you.” My coffee sloshes around as I stand, ready to make my escape. “I should head out anyway. Gotta get ready for my shift.”

“Oh, yeah. You still working at that bar?” He stands up next to me, putting his hand on my lower back as we walk toward the door.

“Yep. Pays the bills.” My voice comes out squeaky as Roderick moves his hand lower.

When we get to the point where we part ways, he’s fully cupping my ass, and I’m coming to the conclusion that our year-long fling has reached its end.

“I’ll text you later.” He gives my behind a squeeze and leans in for a kiss.

I let it happen but break things off before tongues come into play.

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