Page 93 of Ninth Circle

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“You were never accepted, and you never will be. I used to listen to those women talk about you, and my Mom, the saint that she is, would take them to task for speaking ill about you, but what did you do? You tried to drag both her name and mine through the mud. Now that shit is coming back to you. If you don’t leave, I won’t stop. I don’t want to see your face around these parts again.”

“You can’t do anything to me. I’m still your father’s wife.”

“Oh, please. What wife? You’re the side bitch who fell on the first available dick in order to raise your status. You’re not the first of your kind, and you won’t be the last. But unlike some who have more sense, you won’t end up with anything.”

“That prenup you signed will make sure of it, and even if you should by some miracle get some money out of my Dad, I’ll make it disappear the same way I made all the money in your bank accounts disappear. And yes, even your hidden accounts, I found them and bled them all dry. Now go fuck yourself.”

She hung up the phone while I was still screaming. I grabbed my purse to look for my bank card and get the number to call. There was no way she could’ve known about my safety net. No way she or anyone else could’ve known that for years; I’d been stealing from Corbin for a rainy day.

There has to be something I could do since she’s admitted it, right? She couldn’t just get away with this. And what did she mean by saying she was responsible for everything that had happened? Was she the one who sent those fleas to the house?

I wish I had kept the box they had been delivered in; there had to be some kind of evidence somewhere. But the box was long gone, and so was the house. My beautiful house, which was the envy of everyone was now little more than rubble.

And Corbin and Gigi, back together again? That can’t be; I won’t let that happen. I started up the old clunker and gunned it out of the parking lot, headed for Gigi’s mansion. Even though my home was bigger, hers still had more class since it had been built back in the day before they started building houses using cardboard.

It didn’t matter, though, because mine was bigger and flashier than her old-ass Victorian mansion. My house was up to date with the latest amenities, though I knew most of the women down at the club lived in homes like hers. I just knew they were envious of me. That’s why most of them were always doing some kind of renovation on their places, because they wanted to keep up with me.

In the beginning, things had gone my way. I was the new wife, and everyone had to look to me if they wanted to get close to my husband. I’d played that role for four years and made my mark. But then Gigi had come out of hiding and it was like everyone just gravitated back to her and left me behind.

I never forgave her for that, just like I never forgave her bitch of a daughter for always outshining mine. Now that bitch was claiming responsibility for everything that has been going on, it’s not fair. It’s not fair that my husband would go back to his bitch of an ex or that his daughter should be marrying rich while mine was behind bars.

I didn’t work this hard all these years to end up like this. If I go there and find him with her, I’ll run them both over. I was so mad I almost missed the turnoff. I straightened up and drove down the driveway like a bat outta hell.

I couldn’t get close because three large dogs came out of nowhere, barking their fool heads off. Even though I was inside the truck with the windows halfway up, I still felt fear. I’ve always had a fear of dogs.

I tried laying on the horn but that only seemed to make them bark louder. I looked toward the house, but no one seemed to be there, and I didn’t see Corbin’s car, or any car for that matter.

What the hell am I thinking? He’s supposed to be at work this time of day. I reversed back down the driveway, still mad as hell. There’s no way I’m going to let this slide. Somebody has to pay for everything that has happened to me.

I had the shakes again, and my sweat was making my skin itch something awful, so I pulled into the first gas station I came to away from the pumps and sat there trying to catch my breath and think of a plan. There had to be something I could do to press charges against Alyssa. She’d confessed, after all.

I was about to reach for my phone again when I heard sirens pull into the gas station parking lot behind me. I didn’t pay it any mind because what could they want with me. So, when I heard the voice come over the loudspeaker asking someone to step out of the car, I didn’t think it had anything to do with me.

It was only when I looked around and realized that I was the only one here that things started to get cloudy. The cops were behind me. There were three cars, and they were all standing in the open doorways of their cars, guns drawn. “What the hell?”

“Step out of the vehicle with your hands over your head.” I rushed to do as they said, cussing that old bitch in my mind. No doubt she’d called and reported the truck stolen. As soon as I get through whatever this is, I’m going to go plant my foot in her ass.

“Helen Archer?”

“Yes, what’s going on? I borrowed this truck from my Daddy.”

“Put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest for the murder of Violet Carter.” I tried looking over my shoulder at him, but he was being rough, so I turned back around.

“Violet? She’s not dead; she was alive when I left.” What the hell is going on? I now realize why on TV people never shut up once they’ve been read their rights. It’s because they want their innocence to be heard. I know that’s why I kept screaming at them even as I was carted off and put in the back of the cruiser.


I knew when I came here that I was going to have to fuck him for a place to stay, but I didn’t mind. It’s not like it was the first time we’d fucked or anything, but usually, I was the one with the upper hand. I knew that he felt honored to have me in his bed because of where I came from and where he was in life.

I’d always used that to my advantage just the way my Mama had taught me. So, even though I liked him well enough, I never forgot that I was better than him and he was okay to fuck, but not to take home to Mama.

But now the tide had turned, and I needed him more than he needed me. “Hey, why don’t you light up another one?” We’d spent the night into the early morning getting high and fucking like bunnies. There was nothing else to do right now besides that anyway, and after my stint in jail, I needed to feel alive.

“Why don’t you try this?” I opened my mouth, and he put one of those pretty colored pills on my tongue. I closed my mouth and let it dissolve before taking a hit off the joint he passed to me. It wasn’t long before I felt that tingly feeling again, so when he knelt next to my head with his dick bobbing in the wind, I just grinned and grabbed it, pulling it into my mouth.

I looked up at him with my mouth full of his cock and smiled. It was too big to fit, but what I couldn’t get with my mouth, my hand took care of. I was humming with excitement by the time he turned me around in the bed and drove into me from behind.

I forgot all my worries while he pounded into me and just let myself go and enjoyed the moment. I’d lost count of how many times this was now and didn’t really care. That’s the good thing about getting high; it keeps me from worrying about the small things.

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