Page 88 of Ninth Circle

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In the meantime, I still had some things to take care of here. Soon, I’d have exacted vengeance on everyone that needed taking care of and I can move on with my life. I’d given them too much of my time as it is.

Now, I’m a mean witch, and I know it. I knew that since Denny hadn’t been able to get in touch with me, there was only one of two places where he was sure to find me, and knowing him, he wouldn’t be able to help himself.

My family had packed up my old rental house, and most of what I wanted to keep was in Mom’s garage for now. So, there was only one other place left, my job.

He’s out of work right now, so he could stake out the parking lot for as long as he wants. I’d spent the last few days decompressing at the house with Garrett, who, as far as I can tell, didn’t grow horns overnight.

I’ve heard one too many horror stories about someone getting married only to find out that they didn’t know a thing about their spouse after the honeymoon when that person changed into someone unrecognizable, and it’s never for the better.

I brought this up to Garrett one evening while we were sitting on the couch; well, he was sitting; I was lying with my head on his lap. “And what would you have done, sweet Alyssa, if I had turned out to have a different personality?”

“I’d have divorced your ass quicker than you can say spit.”

“Really? Just like that. You wouldn’t have even tried to work it out.”

“Hell no. Do you know why most people stay in relationships longer than they should?”

“No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me, and it’s going to be fascinating. Dr. Seuss has nothing on you.”

“Dr. Seuss was a cheating asshole who caused his wife to commit suicide and then married his mistress. Yet, people read his shit to their kids. Our kids will not be reading his shit, the bastard.”

“Wait, how the hell did we get on him?” It took me a minute to remember where we were before I went off on a tangent. I noticed his smirk and knew he was trying to get under my skin again.

He's such a freak. He told me that he loves making love to me after one of my snits, as he calls them, and so he’s been going out of his way to rub me the wrong way just so he could get his rocks off. What a freak!

“As I was saying, people stay around too long in fucked up relationships because they’re waiting for the other person to change. The longer you stay, the more accustomed you become to the treatment until years have gone by.”

“The selfish person will never give you what you want; they will always keep you hungry because they know your self-esteem has been whittled down to the nub by then.”

“Then, one day, you wake up and realize you’ve spent the best years of your life pandering to someone who has been sucking the life out of you. I’m not that girl.”

“I know you’re not. You’re my strong, opinionated woman.”

I, of course, had to reward him for recognizing the greatness that is me and we pretty much spent every day from then to last night knocking boots.

He had his own work to take care of, and I was surprised to learn that he had opened an office here; he’s so full of surprises.

What I didn’t know was that he had people following me. I found that out when Denny confronted me in the parking lot, started getting too close, and was taken down by the beauty of a female who looked like she walked straight off a movie set.

So, here’s how that went! I pulled into my reserved spot at work, almost expecting him to be there because I know his bitch ass like the palm of my hand. I know he’d have gone through every thought process possible for our situation.

I knew that he’d vacillate between blaming himself of me and settling on me being the one at fault. Now see, like I said, people stay in situations too long because they’re waiting for change. I always knew what Denny was, sans the cheating, of course, but I never had any interest in changing him because I didn’t care.

I wasn’t looking for love in all the wrong places; I wasn’t looking at all. He said he was fine with that. I always knew I was little more than a trophy to him, but I didn’t care about that either because there was never any danger of me falling for him.

As long as my heart was safe from injury, I was fine. I guess I shouldn’t have believed him when he said he was okay with all that. Look, it was either him or this other asshole who was an even bigger douche, so I settled on the one who wouldn’t annoy the shit out of me.

Anyway, I know Denny, but I never cared about his weak ass. It wasn’t until I met Garrett and spent these last few weeks in an emotional high that I still haven’t come down from that I realized what I would’ve been missing if I had gone through with the wedding.

I’m not as afraid as I thought I would be at the prospect of being in love, and I think that has a lot to do with Garrett. He makes it easy to love him and be loved by him.

So, because I know Denny, when he came out of nowhere and got in my face screaming about how I had ruined his life, I wasn’t too surprised. I kept walking as if he wasn’t even there, which set him off even more for some reason.

When someone asked if I was okay, and I said that I was, I’d just stubbed my toe on dried shit but would be okay in a minute; both he and Denny looked at me like I was crazy.

I kept walking while he ranted and raved about how I had made him look stupid, how I had been fucking Garrett all this time, how Lacey meant nothing to him, how she was the one that came onto him.

Then he moved on to how he was going to be on the hook for a child with her because of me. Because I was cold and unfeeling, I had driven him into the arms of someone like her.

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