Page 80 of Ninth Circle

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“Watch your back bitch. You and that bitch Alyssa ruined my life.”

“No one ruined your life. You did it to yourself. Alyssa was always more of a sister to me than you ever were. Mom, Dad, do you remember Robert? My first boyfriend when I went away to college? Do you know why we broke up?”

“You bitch, you promised not to tell.” I went after her again, but this time, she pushed me to the floor.

“It was her; she slept with him. She lied about her age, and that’s not all; she drugged him. She begged me not to tell, and he didn’t press charges because I begged him.”

My parents looked defeated, and that’s when I knew that there was no coming back. Not after they learned that I had hurt their precious daughter. “You’ve always been the favorite; you always got everything you wanted; now you just had to destroy my life because you’re a jealous bitch. Robert didn’t want you, that’s why he came to me. It wasn’t hard to get him in my bed.”

“You drugged him; he didn’t want you. He’s still going to therapy because you traumatized him. I forgave you so much because you’re my sister, but now I’m done. I never want to see you again.” I crawled across the floor to her, begging and pleading for her not to throw me away.

I knew that she was my only chance at redemption, that if she asked my parents, they’d let me stay. “You can’t; I’m sorry; I’ll change, I promise,” I promised everything I could think of, but the three of them just looked at me with disgust.

Dad pulled me up from the floor and walked me to the door, kicking and screaming. Mom threw money at me and walked away while I pleaded with her to let me stay. “Mom, please, I’m your daughter.”

“Just go, Lacey. I’m tired. We’ve done everything to give you and your sister a good life, but I don’t know what else we can do. Your behavior is atrocious.

That was it. Dad closed the door and locked it, leaving me on the other side, screaming to be let back in. What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? I had no choice but to walk back to my car, which they had let me keep. Or maybe they’d just forgotten about it. I drove away in anger, almost blinded by tears.


This is not what I wanted. I feel cold, empty, numb. It’s been weeks, months, even by now, I think, and I can’t get my bearings. Why didn’t I realize that it would hurt like this? Where is that rush I felt each time I fooled around with Lacey?

I can’t even think about her now without wanting to throw up. This can’t be the end; my life can’t get derailed like this without any explanation. I think it’s finally sinking in that Alyssa, the best thing that ever happened to me, is gone.

I fucked my whole life away for someone that wasn’t worth it. Now my friends are laughing at me not only because she made fun of my dick but because of all the new information that has been coming out about Lacey and just how much of a slut she is.

I can’t even pretend I fell in love with someone else and that was the reason for cheating. Who the hell would believe that now? But the thing that hurts most of all is the fact that the woman I was with for four years and had planned to marry just ghosted me.

I can’t get in touch with her because she has me blocked on everything. Our mutual friends aren’t sharing any information if they know, and on top of that, when people aren’t talking about my affair and the fact that she left me, they’re talking about her new husband and how she leveled up.

Even my family, once they learned the truth, has been acting as if I’m the world’s biggest fuck up. There’s only one thing left to do now, and that’s to leave this place and never look back. But I don’t even have the energy to do that.

Those first few days, my anger kept me going, but now that the dust is settling, all I can think about is the fact that I’d lost more than I gained in this whole experience. But it hurts like hell that she’d just cut me off without a second thought.

That, more than anything, seems to be the hardest thing to overcome. It’s so cold and callous, something I never knew about her. I knew she was very staunch in her ways and had always seemed aloof and standoffish with people, especially those she didn’t like, but I never thought she would treat me this way.

We were about to get married, for fuck sake. She had agreed to spend the rest of her life with me. How could she just cut me out of her life like that? I’ve lost so much weight I can see my ribs. I’ve lost my job thanks to her husband, something I only learned after the fact. And now he’d blacklisted me from my profession.

I can’t believe that my whole life can be over just like that. I’m only twenty-four years old; things should now be beginning, but it feels like the end. Everywhere I turn, all I hear is how much I screwed up. My family has been reading about her and her new man and making comparisons. My own fucking family.

Everyone agrees that he’s a hundred times better than me. So, even if I try to claim that she has been seeing him behind my back, no one wants to listen. Not that they believe me anyway, thanks to his interview.

Just the thought of the two of them together makes me want to end it all. She’s supposed to be mine; this was supposed to be our honeymoon. The latest pictures she’d sent to the chat with our friends show the two of them looking happy and in love. I can’t bear that shit.

If I thought there was a chance of winning her back, I wouldn’t hesitate, but I’m not that far gone to fool myself. Why would she leave her billionaire husband to be with an unemployed fuck up like me?

My phone rang, and I answered without looking to see who it was. “I’m pregnant.”

“What? Who is this?”

“It’s me, Lacey. I’m pregnant, and it’s yours.”

“Fuck you, you ruined my life. If you are pregnant, the kid isn’t mine.”

“How can you say that? You’re the only one I’ve been with in a while.”

“You’re a fucking liar.” I hung up the phone and looked around my room wildly. Can my life get any worse?

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