Page 79 of Ninth Circle

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“That human didn’t give a shit about me when he did what he did. If a stranger on the street betrayed me, I wouldn’t just let it slide, so why should I hold someone close to me to a lesser standard than a complete stranger? Isn’t that ass-backward? Now, does that answer your question? I am in the middle of something here, and you’re annoying me.”

“Carry on!” I’d give half my billions to have her fucking attitude.


“I’m your daughter!”

“No, you’re not. How could you do such things?” I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried not to throw up. I was scared and sick to my stomach, and my life was unraveling too fast to keep up.

That bitch had released a video of me and Denny, and my own sister had told our parents about it. I always knew she liked Alyssa more than me, but how could she do it?

It wasn’t that bad at first. They’d yelled and screamed and told me how disappointed they were, which was nothing new, but I thought maybe things would end there, so I just walked away and locked myself away in my room.

I wanted to hurt Sherry and Alyssa, too; I was so damn mad. I spent the rest of the morning steaming and trying to think up ways to get revenge. I don’t see why everyone was acting like I committed a crime. People have sex with other people every day.

I couldn’t turn on my phone or go online without seeing the messages and notifications going back and forth about the stupid video. I couldn’t even press charges because she’d only shown the part with us in bed after and none of the actual sex parts, which wouldn’t have mattered even if she had because my stupid state doesn’t have laws against revenge porn.

Mom kept knocking on my door until I opened it and said the same stupid shit over and over again. Why did I? How could I? Blah-blah-blah. Since things hadn’t escalated too much I didn’t much care anyway, so I basically just ignored her.

And maybe things would’ve ended there, had that one video not unleashed an avalanche. Things I hadn’t even remembered doing were being talked about. Old enemies were coming out of the woodwork to air their grievances and I was the topic on everyone’s tongue.

Had it stayed in the private group chats and Discord, that too would have been fine, my parents don’t have the first clue how to use either of those things. But someone took it to social media, that Rhoda bitch whoever she is, and that’s where my hell began.

From there, it was all anyone around town would talk about, and soon, word got back to my parents. Not just about Denny but all the others. Stupid bitches were talking about the things I did in high school like they were perfect.

Jealous bitches who couldn’t keep their men were calling me a slut and a homewrecker, and suddenly everyone was taking Alyssa’s side, placing all the blame on me as if Denny wasn’t the one in the relationship and, therefore, the one they should be going after.

Someone showed my parents the online thread between me and everyone who was coming down on me, and the yelling never ended. In a matter of days, my life had been turned upside down, and my parents had disowned me and were kicking me out of the house.

I had no money and no job. They never wanted me to work while I was in school, and I still had a year left, which they had informed me they would not be paying for. I spent last night in my car after they kicked me out and knew that there was no way in hell I was doing that again.

No one, not even people I considered friends, was willing to help me, and even if they were, their parents wouldn’t allow it. Some of my so-called friends even threatened that if they ever found out I’d done anything with their boyfriends, they’d hurt me, which is why I didn’t sleep a wink while sitting in my car waiting for someone to attack me.

I came back to beg them to let me stay, to forgive me, but they weren’t budging. I thought for sure that they would get over their anger by now; after all, it wasn’t that big of a deal, and most of the things they were learning about had happened years ago.

I don’t understand any of this, I’m their daughter, and just because they don’t want their friends to look at them poorly, they have thrown me away. “Where did we go wrong? This is not the way we raised you. Look at your sister. Why couldn’t you be more like her?”

“That’s enough, Marie, let her go. It’s obvious she’s never going to change.”

“What do you mean by that, Dad?”

“Did you really think we didn’t know some of what you were up to? The drugs, the parties, we knew all of it. But you kept it at school, away from here and us.”

“I thought you would outgrow your wildness, but no, we’ve fed and sheltered you, and this is the thanks we get. You disgust me.”

“Don’t say that, Dad.”

“Why not? It’s the truth, don’t touch me.” He pushed my hands away, and the look on his face made me cry harder.

Why is this happening? I just wanted to teach that bitch a lesson, to take her down a peg. How did everything turn out like this? I’m really scared here, and they’re acting like throwing my life away means nothing to them. They’ve never been like this before; I was always able to talk them around.

“It’s your fault, you bitch. You made them do this.” I went to grab my sister, but my Dad got in the way, and in my anger, I scratched and kicked him, which made Mom scream and cry harder.

“Get out!”

“No, you can’t treat me like this; I’m your daughter.”

“Get out of my house now. And don’t come back.”

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