Page 77 of Ninth Circle

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“I don’t have one.” I kept packing, and he kept getting in my damn way.

“Everyone has a heart.”

“I ignore mine; that shit is misleading as shit.”

“I don’t follow. How does one simply ignore their heart?”

“It’s easy; once you learn that it’s full of shit and leads you down the rabbit hole time and time again, you start treating it like a snake that’s always ready to strike. The heart for women is like a man’s dick, the little head. Never makes the right decision.”

“Your confidence is astounding in one so young.”

“Well, yeah, that’s because I know I’m the shit, and what’s more, I love myself. I even like myself sometimes. That, and the fact that I know most people are full of shit, so I never let them get too close to me.”

“So, you have no trust.”

“I trust you, which is why I require more from you than anyone else. But I don’t trust you because of my heart; I trust you because of your actions thus far and the fact that my mind sees beyond the surface and likes what it sees, so let’s keep up the good work.”

“I’ll try to remember that. So, what happens if one day you think you can no longer trust me?” I shrugged my shoulder because his question gave me that little girl lost feeling. That’s why I hate this falling-in-love shit. That asshole Denny had to go and fuck up my shit. If I’d married him, I wouldn’t have to suffer through this shit.

“Things change with time; people change all the time. The person you hate today may become your strongest ally somewhere down the line and vice versa. I already know that if I ever get to the point where I feel like I can’t trust you, I’ll ghost you. I’ll take your kids and half your shit and disappear. Why the hell would I want you around me if you hurt me like that? You better finish reading those papers before you sign them, there’s a death clause in there.”

“Death clause?”

“Yeah, if you cheat or hurt me in any way, I reserve the right to take you out.”

“You…. you’re insane.”

“If you don’t plan on doing any of that shit, what does it matter?”

I don’t know why he keeps acting like I’m crazy. He’s a businessman, and he knows all about binding contracts.


Iwonder if she knows how vulnerable she is. Or that everything she does is just another way of protecting herself. Her so-called contract is just another layer in that protective wall she’d built up around herself. It’s sad and heartbreaking and makes me want to harm the people in her life who had brought her to this.

I read through the rest of it once we boarded the plane for her little shopping trip. I’m not sure why she needed to go to Hermes because even the beach house we’d left in Cabo was stocked with that shit, but far be it from me, a man, to mention that shit. Her crazy ass would probably have my balls.

I haven’t told her that she had a new closet full of shit at the home I’d bought us in her hometown either, so maybe she thinks that the stuff in Cabo is all there is. The women in my family don’t carry their shit from one location to the next, not unless it’s something they use daily.

Instead, they keep whatever is suitable in each place around the world for when we visit. That’s always been the way, and I guess in my ignorance, I believed that that’s the way everyone lives.

The strange thing is, she doesn’t have a materialistic bone in her body, unlike most of the women from my past, and yet, she’s the only one I’ve ever wanted to spoil. Before her, I just made money because it was a fun thing to do, but I never really had much use for it beyond the necessary things in life.

Now, I want to give her everything her heart desires. When I had my people investigate her, I had them look into every aspect of her life, including her likes and wants. I think she’s under the impression that I just did a surface search.

So, she doesn’t know that I know and have pieced together who she is by looking into everything she’d ever made public as well as what my people had gathered from her friends and acquaintances without her or them knowing.

The only thing I have no access to is what is in her mind, but I’m finding it refreshing learning those things myself, just by being here. Her mind, like I told her, not only terrifies but astonishes me.

I don’t think even she knows how unique she is. How much I appreciate her open honesty. But I don’t want her to be that way with anyone else because less honest people than myself would use it against her.

She’s vicious, uncompromising, and perfectly innocent all at once. I don’t think she or anyone else around her has ever noticed. That wounded little girl is still in there. That’s not to say that she’s not strong, cold, and calculated in the way she deals with things.

But beneath all of that cold detachment beats the broken heart of a child who wasn’t protected by the one person she sought solace from. It’s good that her brothers always rallied around her, and I plan to repay them when the time is right. But they can never take the place of the father she idolized.

I know all about fathers and their daughters. My little sister is a Daddy’s girl from her head to her toes. I’ve seen her cry rivers of tears if he was late for dinner when we were younger, so I can only imagine the hell that would’ve been her life had he ever pulled a stunt like the one my father-in-law did.

She has no idea how much more I love her for wanting to protect our future children. This whole contract is a manifesto to that very fact. How can I not love her? Does she think I don’t realize what her loving me and trusting me means?

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