Page 76 of Ninth Circle

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“I’m not starting a business, what do I need seed money? Wait, allowance? What kind of….” I’m a money person, and this shit is over my head.

“An allowance is what you use to… didn’t you have an allowance as a child? It’s for any last-minute things you might need, like petty cash.”

“Oh, so I can use it on my shopping spree, you mean.”

“Of course not.” He stopped what he was doing to glare at me. “I buy your clothes. And your food and anything else you need. That money is for frivolous wants. If you don’t know what to do with it, ask my sister; she’s an expert at wasting allowance.”

“Oh, you give your sister an allowance? What a sweet big brother.”

“My father has more money than me; she’s his headache. You are mine.”

“Did you give Natalie an allowance?”

“Why the hell would I do that? She’s not my wife.” He looked so befuddled I believed him.

“What about your other mistresses that you had after her?”

“I’ve never had a mistress or a relationship that made it past the three-month mark.”

“Why three months? Why not four, or six, or…”

“Because I realized that that’s when one of two things happens. Either I get bored and forget they’re even there, or they start getting ideas of happily ever after, which can be a bit….” He waved his hand from side to side.

“Did you ever take any of them out shopping?”

“If I’d ever done that, you’d have seen it plastered all over the Internet.”

“So no.”

“No. But I’ll be with you every step of the way. Isn’t that what you want?”

I smiled at him even though my stomach was a bundle of nerves. He knows me so well, but bless his heart, he’s nuts. Who puts millions of dollars in someone’s account as seed money? “Did you finish reading that stuff I gave you?”

“Not quite, I’ll finish it on the plane, and then we can discuss it.”

“Fine, but did you see where you’re supposed to sign?”

“I haven’t gotten there yet, no.”

“You better make sure you agree before you sign it because I plan to hold you to it.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be sure to do that. I’m a bit insulted by some of the things you wrote in there though. Like your stipulation that if I cheat on you after we have kids, my bitch is not allowed around your kids.”

“Well, yeah! Men who cheat with and marry nasty skanks should never have them around their own daughters; what kind of example are you setting? You know damn good and well that she has no morals, but you choose her to be a parental figure in your kid’s life? Then again, you don’t have any either, so I guess that answers that.”

“Your mind terrifies me.”

“Yeah, be terrified!” He gave me another one of his looks as if he was expecting me to put his mind at ease. As if!

“I don’t plan on cheating anyway; that is the insult.”

“No one plans to cheat; at least, I hope not. My faith in humanity is already on low; if that shit turns out to be true, I’ll just be all the way fucked up.” If he keeps shaking his head, it’s going to fall off his shoulders.

“I meant to ask you, by the way, how do you know you’re in love with me?” Look at him fishing for compliments.

“Because I can’t keep you out of here.” I tapped my temple. “I never let anyone get in there.”

“Why didn’t you point to your heart?”

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